
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 13:51:20
don't know what is the difference between them”和“I don't know what the difference between them is" .这两句话哪个对啊?I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE MEANING OF THE WORD IS 是I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THE WORD .这句话也是这种情 What's the difference between "led" and "leaded"?How should I use them correctly? 我的狗是白色和黑色的 请问用英语怎么翻译啊 我的袜子是白色的,你的是黑色的.翻译成英文 九上英语完型填空翻译完型 英语翻译语广告的结构及其写作特点英语广告一般包括七个部分:标题、小标题、正文、价格、姓名和地址,以及结尾词.这里主要谈谈标题、正文及结尾词的写作特点.1.1 标题(headline)广告标题 花样年华的英语怎么说? 完形填空4.二、完形填空4.Look at your watch for just one minute ._1___ that time,the population of the world __2___ 259.Perhaps you think that isn’t much.However,during the next hour,over 15,540 more babies will 3_____ on the earth.So it__ 英语完形填空啊,只有4题,Tt takes 10-13 days to travel.{对10-13 days 提问}The toy is ours.{对ours提问}What beautiful flowers they are!{改为同义句}Those are their keys、{改为同义句}小弟贵求, 英语完形填空第四题 there are a lot of people on the beach at this time (填介词)year There are twenty time as many sheep as people in New Zealand. my hobby 的英语作文 是there are a lot of people、还是there is a lot of people? 求两篇关于经济,商务的英语论文,1000字左右的 为什么要在虎门销烟?虎门销烟 你父母不喜欢吃西红柿吗?用英语怎么说? 我讨厌吃西红柿用英语怎么说 我真的好想你,窗外还在下着雨, Thousands of people ________to watch yesterday's match against Ireland.A.turned on B.turned in C.turned around.D.turned out 1 There were 2000 people p____ at the meeting yesterday.2 The differences between British and American _____(spell) are slight 英语翻译1.产品自身有带蓝牙功能,价格不变.2.付款条件为:下单时预付30%定金,到港前付完余下的70%.3.交期为:15-30天,以具体的采购数量来定.4.产品的品质保障期限:1年.5.出货港口:厦门.求 翻译:现在买家只付了定金还没付清余款,所以刚好趁这段时间看房和买房. 窗外在下雨(现在进行时) “窗外的月光窗外的雪.”是什么歌 英语短语翻译(急用)..1.talk sth. Over with sb.2.stand up for3.put forward4.from then on5.give in 6.send for7.have a gift for/of8.call on9.look down on10.keep one’s word11.come about12.make a scene13.get at sb.14.by and by15.keep off16.hold o 英语翻译大声说出来,在多数情况下.乐意做某事,避免做某事,说实话,当我走近房子时,他可能会晚一点到,他们竭尽全力抵御敌人,代表我们大学的学生会,等候他们到来,闲逛,兜风,参加,有机会做 英语翻译金秋十月,我们迎来了,第86届中国出口商品交易会。迎来了来,来自五湖四海的嘉宾和朋友。本届交易会将继续朝两个“优化”一个“强化”。即优化参展企业结构,优化出口商 【我有一个很爱我的姐姐】用 英文怎么说 3种不同的方式说?还有·我幸运的来到了这个世上·用英文怎么说·I am lucky to born in this word. 我的姐姐用英语写用英文写,并带翻译 我想单独接电感镇流器应该怎么接?不接灯,光接镇流器,电感的,应该怎么接法? It is_the pupils do in their spare time_really prepares them to take theirplace in society as citizens when they grow up.A.which;that B.that;what C.what;that D.that;which