
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 14:21:00
英语翻译留下联系方式,我把具体内容发过去. 英语翻译作为一个大二学生,我或许没有足够的社会经历,更没有任何行业内的知识,在校内所获得的一些荣誉也并不一定能够足以弥补我在工作上的缺陷.但是我执着于梦想,会为了自己的目标 COME!HELP ME 在面积为1的三角形PMN中,tan角PMN=1/2,tan角MNP=-2,适当建立坐标系,求以MN为焦点,且过P点的椭圆方程. help me,come on!My computer can not input Chinese.How could I do ?I don't know why.Just all are fine.I use SogoyuInputhelp me 选择所给词语的适当形式填空let's what's isn't aren't don't i'm who's can't1、( )in Class 1,Grade 4.2、( )your name,please?3、These ( ) apples.They are pears.4、( )go swimming,OK?5、--Where is Tom?--sorry,I ( )know.6、--( )that girl? 选择词语的适当形式填空Mr.White_________(teach) us French.Miss White_______(talk) with Miss Green naw.Li Ming ________(not be) lafe again.A rabbit________(not have)a long nose.Let's her_________(go and play) on the floor. 选择词的适当的形式填空hand live country meet get we nane close potato wrie1.Black white and brown are colors .They are also family( ).2.How much are these ( I want to buy a kilo.3.How big is your ( ) room?4.Jack ( )an mail from his parents 选择所给词的适当形式填空we work will 1 In five years , in a hospital , a restrant or a shop ,we may see a robot at ______2 By then ,we _____ do the cooking or go shopping _____我觉得没办法填啊```谁来帮帮我>_ 上帝Help me!COME ON!COME ON!我前几天生病了,症状是头晕,恶心,和单位请了三天假,可是我还有些事情没有处理完,还想在请10左右的假,想找一个和我症状差不多的病,得什么病得休息10左右呢 - -||我 学霸,come help me,come on PLEASE!    HELP     ME  !   COME ON !(1)一座铁路桥全长1200米,一列火车开过大桥需花费75秒,火车开过路旁电杆,只要花费15秒,那么火车全长是多少米?(2)一人以每分钟120米 Hey Come on baby and help me!经常想一些有关大脑的问题,如大脑如何产生意识,如何思考等,因而心理感到惊慌焦燥等一系列痛苦的不良感觉.我该怎么办? Easter (c ) resurrection of Iesus Christ 首字母填空Sam (p ) playing football to watching tv be impressed什么意思 中国大陆哪个城市雅思比较容易拿高分? 全国哪里雅思好考 麻烦帮我中翻英语一段话.急用,谢谢啦.随着我国经济和旅游业的发展,经济型酒店迅速成长起来,不但弥补了我国酒店业“两头大,中间小”的行业现状,而且成为我国酒店业发展成熟的标志之一 麻烦中翻英一句,不仅图案不同,而且价格也不同,4号的印花图案所需要的布料更多,所以价格也贵一点. 麻烦做五句中翻英我认为今天下午三点到那是不可能的.刚才和他跳舞的男士是个电影明星.桌子上有三个破杯子.(此句要用there be)你最好带雨衣因为马上要下雨.除非天下雨否则我会去的. 文言文“然”解释 古文中的“然”有几种解释? 会的先戳进来…题目太多~英语~ 英语完型填空~题目太长…会的先戳进来… 英语题你懂得戳进来连词成句你懂得1.of,famliy,here,a,is,photo,your(.)2.walkman,now,was,the,the,just books,behind(.)3.your,holiday,is,what,favourite(?)4.the race,liu tao,boat,who,dragon,with,watched(?)5.with,to,me,would,like,you,dance(?) 英语英语会的先戳进来 不要只看表面英语怎么翻译 你在我心里是最棒的,英文翻译一下 你在我心里是最完美的 英语翻译 怎么能在短时间内提高英语水平呢?下半年要出国,不知道自己的水平够不够买东西呢? 怎样在短时间内提升英语水平 However difficult English is,I will learn it well.A However difficult English is B No matter how difficult is English 为什么选A不选B 亲们请不要大意的戳进来吧1.I_____no sooner _______(get) to the bus stop than the bus started.2.Andrew ____(leave)as soon as he had drunk his coffee.3He________hardly______(finish)the article when the light____(go)out.4.They had already had