
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 16:26:37
I hope you will show some forbearance----his inexperience.填一个介词, My mother takes care of my little sister at home.(改为同义句)My mother ( ) ( ) my little sister at home. 作文 一年之后,陈毅再次来访齐仰之根据剧本情节及人物性格特点,试对下面情景发挥想象进行设想:陈毅走后;齐仰之建药厂;一年之后,陈毅再次来访齐仰之 10个题目,初二的英语,拜托各位啦. 初二上英语第十单元作文look at 2a and 2b on page 62.write a magazine article about kim ,lucy and manuel and their resolutions 英语翻译If we really want to be happy,why do we act like such babies?We can claim to be proactive in our life by settings goals and going after what we want.But if we're always whining and complaining all the time,are we really living tn requin e 他是中等身材能说成是He has a medium build.快 It is agreed that no one _______ until the police arrive on the scene.A) can leave B) leaves C) is 他中等身材英文可以说成He has a medium build吗 he has of medium build(对划线部分提问) 奇迹英语智能记忆最新完全破解版能给我发一下吗?最好有真人发音,谢谢,931958871 奇迹英语智能记忆软件好吗?跟新东方背单词比, 奇迹英语智能记忆 8.00怎么用 能不能也给我发一个奇迹英语智能记忆7.0的破解版呢?我想寒假学英语,但找不到奇迹英语, when people are around us ,they should leave better off than they were before.翻译 问一道非谓语动词的英语题Who could imaged such a sweet-tempered .Girl as Alice ——such a thing!第二句的空填什么 A doyingB to do c will do D does说明下原因明白了给加分 问一道有关非谓语动词的英语题,谢谢了1 Lucy has a great sense of humour and always keeps her coleagues______with her storiesA amused B amusing C to amuse D to be amused答案为什么是A,不是B For me,it is not ______ for the bus for half an hour.( 正确形式填空1.the bus ____(go),it left half an hour ago.2.tody you can buy ____ (hundred) of icr cream 3.scientists_____(discover) already that people,can study while they are sleeping 4.the great author ____(writer)many popular books already They arrive ___ noonand leave ____about 7 p.m. 问一道非谓语动词的问题The scientist didn't mind___and went on with his investigation.A.laughing at B.to be laughed at C.being laughed at D.laughed at C.为什么不选B呢,B选项也是被动,被嘲笑的意思.我认为因为横线前面 行测类比推理题目兴趣 索然无味C .骨气 卑躬屈膝 D .礼貌 盛气凌人 行测图形类比推理,谁能告我我什么规律,头都炸了 行测类比推理 导盲犬:缉毒犬A.警犬:军犬 B.奶牛:耕牛 C.斗鸡:肉鸡 D.赛马:辕马我选了B ,解析说导盲犬用来导盲,缉毒犬用来缉毒.同理,赛马用来比赛,辕马用来驾辕.照解析这样子分析的话,B也是 为什么黑色和白色是相对反义词?公务员行测类比推理的一道题. 问一个非谓语动词的题After succeeding in landing on George Island,the captain sent a radio message to his headquarters.这句话前面succeeding是非谓语动词 我想知道这个为什么不能用过去分词 因为过去分词表完成 行测 火中取栗:水中捞月()A狐假虎威:鸠占鹊巢 B 沉鱼落雁:鼠目寸光C文过饰非:鸦雀无声 D一石二鸟:狗尾续貂解析说题干是偏正结构,A是主谓结构. 行测类比推理中的一道题 社会主义:资本主义A金属:非金属 B直接关系:间接关系 C动物:植物 D有理数:无理数我选的是A ,但不知正解是什么, we took a photo together,___stands a beautiful tall pine tree with thick straight branchesA.which B where C that D in which这应该是个非限制性定语从句吧,那后面这个分句是在修饰哪个词的呢?很迷茫哈,(定语从句的前 急求一篇英语作文 The most impressive ad I have ever seen 150字左右,好的话在加20 人类的希望在哪里 人类的新希望还有什么