
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/30 02:03:06
你是我的fat girl fat c-block的 天天向上8月20日最后一首歌. He is a butcher by trade.他的职业是屠夫.by trade在这里是做什么的啊? 总媞觉嘚像媞蒛尐ㄋ嚸什庅什么意思? He was ______by a sorm.A.caught by B.met by C.caught in D.met in 托福报名时把名字打错怎么办!我在名字的那栏把我的全名打上去了,然后再姓的那栏又打了一遍姓,怎么办!而且是在美国官网上 为什么AB型血称为万能受血者 2010年9月后什么时候可报考英语四级? 湖南2010年公共英语四级报名的时间是什么啊?是卜是一年只有一次啊?貌似是六月中旬报名,具体是六月几啊? 1.Are those his friends?(作肯定回答)2.Is this your friend?(作否定回答)3.This is my whtch.(改为复数形式)4.Those are his sisters.(改为单数形式)5.He is my brother.(改为否定句)6.Those are (photos).(对括号内的部分提问) what the little boy said just now shock中的shock该用什么时态 以“心花”为题一篇作文800字 已知圆的面积是628平方厘米,求正方形的面积.(主要是过程分析) 圆的面积是628平方厘米,求正方形的面积,为什么等于628÷3.14×800(平方厘米)? I was happy. ab型血是不是万能受血者 I was happy happy you 3Q 3q 3q don't eat much chocolate.改为肯定句 找出下列句子的谓语动词和从句It has long leaves that sway in the wind like slim fingers reaching to touch something.Bamboo grows best in places where it is warm and where it rains often.But the most interesting thing about this remarkabl 请帮我找出这句话的主句和从句!最近看语法的时候越看倒越糊涂了似的,连主句和从句有时候都分不清楚了.是不是带有引导从句的连词的部分就是从句部分?比如:I hurt my leftshoulder while i was doi 天上为什么有星星 I believe that the future only begins when the past has been completely dismantled,its logic reduc怎么翻译?I believe that the future only begins when the past has been completely dismantled,its logic reduced to dust and nostalgia is all that rema That's why Chinese ______ to more and more American kids these days 填 are/is/has/have taught? 一言既出 驷马难追 This is the professor____taught me chemistry in 1980.急 CAD图纸打印出图,标题栏上字体,国标规定是用哪种字体我参阅其他资料时,发现说的是仿宋体,请知道的说一下,最好给我说一个规定这个方面的GB号码, the professor --------english in beijing in 2005.A.teaches B.has taught C.will teach D.taught IQ大测验,看看你的应变能力(稿笑版)如果有个强盗闯入你家,把刀搁在你脖子上,问你:“要钱要命?”你会说什么? 表示女人聪慧应该叫什么 ______ Lily _____(love) talk shows? The Incredibles 的中文名是什么 英语翻译last summer ,my parents and l ______a trip to wutai mountain .it ____my first time leaving home and travelingto a new place ,so l was very excited .we ____on the train and five hours later we _____in a small city at the foot of the mounta 英语翻译英语课上介绍