
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 14:57:53
in a low in a low voice造句 say in low voice 还是 say with low voice是in还是with?我的意思是"他用很小的声音说话" Be quiet! You should speak in a low____ A sound B noise C voice D whisper 请说明原因!~!~! whisper 的用法 外公对小英说:“我告诉你,这是我们中国最有名的花.” 改成第三者转述 某同学在A,B连家超市发现他看中的随身听的单价相同,书包单价也相同,随身听和书包单价之和是452元且随身听单价比书包单价的4倍少8元.(1)求该同学看中的随身听,书包的单价各是多少元? 还是需要原创的作文题目,最好是命题作文 什么花 春雨后盛开?借以判断:“晓看红湿处,花重景观城” voice的中文意思是什么 命题作文 英语怎么说 voice是什么意思? voice的意思 Voice 具体有哪些意思? voice 在句中的意思I discovered I did have a voice and found my classmates actually looked forward to hearing me recite. 你什么时候起床可不可以写成what time do you to get up 中央民族大学英语怎么读? 中央民族大学的英语翻译.如题,请问谁会翻译一下 中央民族大学 啊? "中央民族大学"的英文简称是什么3个英文字母 He raised his voice to make everyone in the room _____ his clearly.A.hears B.hear C.to hear选什么,为什么 Were you can hear his voice 哪里错了 His voice is so______ that all of us can hear him填什么~ He can't hear his own voice.对his own提问 《斑羚飞渡》中写炫目的彩虹和斑斓光谱的作用是什么 There is strong wind todays.同义句改写It's ()()today It‘s ____today.There is a strong____(wind) 晓看红湿处,花重锦官城.描写的是哪个地方? His father______(leave)for Shanghai next week. 谁知道这两句英文什么意思.Don't want to have any change Don't want to know too much what --- bad wheather today!yes,that is--- strong wind. A.the,the B.\a C.an\ D.a,a The wind is very __todayA.big B.strongC.largeD.old 植物有性繁殖的优点和缺点