
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 04:56:49
已知数列{an}是等差数列,且a2+a3+a10+a11=48,则a6+a7等于多少 英语翻译求哪位英文大神翻译下,don't care if your world is ending todaybecause i wasn't invited to it anywayyou said i tasted famous so i drew you a heartbut now i'm not an artist,i'm a fucking work of arti got an f and a c,and i got a k 等差数列{an}中(1)a3+a9+1/2,求a6.(2)若a2+a3+a10+a11=12,求a6+a7 例36:已知{an}为等差数列,且有a2+a3+a10+a11=48,则a6+a7= 以有什么真好为题写一篇作文尽量是写事的! 请以“Water”为题写一篇文章,谈谈水对于人们的重要性,词数60-80.参考词汇:important,living things,eat,drink,human body,dead,necessary,limited(有限的),save What made Alice so upset?A.Peter's leaving without saying goodbye为什么错Peter had left without saying goodbye 请用你写一篇关于你自己生活方式的英语短文.词数:120左右 英语翻译How Do We Transport Our GoodsGoods must be transported from where they are produced to where their consumers are.There are five major modes of transport for goods,namely,rail transport,water transport,road transport,pipeline transport and 求英语论文“对美国文化的感受”从美国节日角度来写~,一千词左右,英文版噢 以我发现了为题写一篇作文 \(^o^)/~谢谢啦 翻译:can't stand jazz 以《我发现__》为题写一篇作文 英语翻译八年级下册新目标第七页的2模块,大恩不言谢呀 英语翻译```````` 英语翻译:The lawn was laid out in the form of the figure 8. 英语翻译不要软件翻译的,Lamb Of God - Laid To Rest If there was a single day I could live a single breath I could take I'd trade all the others away The blood's on the wall,so you'd might as well just admit it And bleach out the stains,comm 丑小鸭是天鹅,怎么来到鸭窝里的呢 我发现了.为题写一篇作文 敬业与乐业阅读答案怎样才能把一种劳作做到圆满呢?惟一的秘诀就是忠实,忠实从心理上发出来的便是敬.《庄子》记佝偻丈人承蜩的故事,说道:“虽天地之大,万物之多,而惟吾蜩翼之知.”凡 《敬业与乐业》梁启超 敬业与乐业 阅读《敬业与乐业》选段(乐业),《敬业与乐业》选段(乐业)·梁启超第二要乐业.“做工好苦呀!”这种叹气的声音,无论何人都会常在口边流露出来.但我要问他:“做工苦,难道不做工就 阅读《敬业与乐业》选段回答问题{第二要乐业,“做工好苦呀!”、、、、、、、、、、、这种生活,真算得人类理想的生活了}内空 一、这段方字的论点是什么?方中列举的四个理由是为了论述 that's exactly what i had in mind Memories can make you smile,but it can very well make you cry hard. 梁启超在《敬业与乐业》中指出:凡做一件事,就要全力以赴,心骛八极,这方能称之为敬业.这里用心骛八极使用恰当吗.心骛八极是褒义词还是贬义词.百科里没说,要是它是贬义词,那就错了.谁能 关于;梁启超《敬业与乐业》的语文题目,我不会了妈妈让我查一下参考答案.阅读下面选文,孔子说:“饱食终日,无所用心,难矣哉!”又说:“群居终日,言不及义,好行小慧,难矣哉!”孔子是一 关于中心对称图形大写字母N、S、Z分别都是中心对称图形吗?此图形是中心对称图形吗? 如何回答 Do you like school?(and why) What is your favourte subject?如何回答?Do you have a lot of homework?do you like homework?Woh does the houswork in your family?do you help?How many people in your family?who are they?what is your dream do 英语翻译push your classmates翻译一下, 英语翻译求取protect your ears的歌词及中文意思.100分!