
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 02:49:57
become的过去式 become的过去式是什么啊? 1.She was so frightened that she stood ____ without saying anything.A.still B.silently C.quietly D.quite我想请问为什么不能选C2.I found the boy ____ one of his classmates beside him.A.seated B.seating C.sat D.sitting lm going to have a busy weekeng.on saturday翻译中文 1.All flights have been put off _______the fierce typhoonA.for the sake of B.as a result C.thanks to D.because2.I'm very glad to see that your vocabulary is gradually_______.A.building up B.turning up C.coming up D.waking up 我的口语能力挺差,当众讲英语总会很紧张,有谁知道有什么好办法可以提高口语呢.最好是有经验者提供有效 有什么好的方法提高口语能力?我主要会在人前不自觉紧张,导致说不流利,非常苦恼~有没有什么好的方法提高口才和应变能力 come的现在分词 如何巧妙记住英语单词,还有怎么联系自己的口语呢?请具体介绍! I only need a beautiful 英语翻译我主要是想写“对谦虚的看法”,请把下列句子翻译出来(大概意思就好).帮我扩写一些~意思是翻译成英语的字数多一些.如果你有更好的构思请写出来,最好附上中文哦!谦虚是一种 小白的问下、only后面能接need吗?I only need music with me.这句有语病吗? 两个女医生用英语怎么说是不是tow women doctors 两位女医生用英语怎么说? i only fight for myself and only love myself...that's the only love i need visit many He has been to many places in Japan (对many places提问) you're always there when I need you是什么从句? We are going to have a 还有,下面的扩句填什么好?We are going to have a Picnic.We are going to have a Picnic_We are going to have a Picnic__ 仿照例句写句子:例:we / have / a / picnic We are going to have a picnic.it / rain _________________________________I/ watch TV_________________________________they / have / a / football game_________________________________Joe / go / to / we/have/a/picnic We are going to have a picnicit/rain____________I/watch tv____________they/have/a/football game____________joe/go/to/the park____________ 世界语字母谁能帮我写出世界语所有字母的音标.就是像英语的那种音标,每个字母都要. 自来水表的表盘怎么读数?如果那指针在两个数中间怎么读?主要是后面,前面我知道. 世界语现在有多少个字母? 世界语是什么?有字母末?麻烦您 再表下音按英语那样 小华家5月5日自来水表的示数为344m³,6月5日时他家自来水表各指针位置如图所示,这是水表的示数是 m³,一个月来她家用去 m³水.请填写下面小华家的水费通知单.要解析,完整解析,thank 某地方每100户每天用水只有1.5立方米,某小区浪费1.2立方米的水可共某地方多少户用? The only math you need is U+Me=4 ever.英语不好,求解这啥意思 The life is only filled with smiles for ever这英文毛毛意思.. “visit many places of i just want to beautiful and beautiful i only need is Selfless love in my life .. 三个戴眼镜的女医生用英语怎么说