
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 02:47:39
And I spent ...And I spent my sweet sixteen being chased round a tire yard by an escaped mental patient who is his own words wanted to “kill me” or whatever.a tire yard is his own words 怎么放在who 我很想你,用英语怎么写 y W ( )走 ( )成直线( ) 3 minutres. (我将要过一个忙碌的周末)( ) I ( )教 lessons . I'm a ( ).HHe work in ( ) air-conditioner ( )公司She sells things. She is ( ) ( )He ( )帮助 ( )不舒服 ( 下午就用可,急~~~If I have a lou of money ,I will ……写一篇短点的小文,谢谢,下午就用~快!打错了,是if i have a lot of money, i will…… A microphone converts the acoustic signal into a corresponding analog electrical signal,and an analog-to-digital converter transforms that analog signal into a sampled digital form.The following figure shows a brief moment in a sound recording.求翻 That's if it fits into out timetable.是否有词组 什么叫腐殖物质 植物怎么吸收腐殖物 试述土壤有机质的矿质化过程和腐殖化过程的影响因素麻烦大家了,>_ 腐殖 含义是? 英译汉:孔子的一句话wheresoever you go,go with all your 是孔子说过的 要孔子的原文啊~ 关于孔子的文章 英译汉 感谢Most troubling to Confucius was his perception that the political institutions of his day had completely broken down. He attributed this collapse to the fact that those who wielded power as well as those who occ 德语语法 Es ist sehr schwer zu verstehenEs ist sehr schwer zu verstehen!很难懂如上请问verstehen,词典说是强变化,实际上就是不定时的意思么,也就是动词原型么,他们之间有什么区别,zu后面加上不定时或者 8的个不是应该是spent on 么,怎么是in啊 Eve doesn't spent much time ______reading 填写的是in还是on 但老师说是on spend on,固定搭配 spent sometime on swimming还是spent sometime in swimmingswimming看成sth动名词还是doing sth?on or in? 用spent on(后跟名词),spent in(后跟动名词)各造三个句子谢谢急~ 第二行像S和3的音标怎么读? 高速公路测量员需要会些什么,做高速公路测量员需要做些什么?比如放样 音标里像3的怎么读急 想问下那个像3的音标怎么读的?pleasure 和 conclusion 里都有那个音标. 现代文阅读广场上弹吉他的弟弟对于弟弟的忍痛坚持,我的表现是劝告和不懈,此处运用哪种写作方法和作用 广场上弹吉他的弟弟中的长风衣有何作用 l.m sorry,前面的是啥?怎么念? reiniciar是什么意思啊? l\'m sorry.l love Sorry,l think l jiust a person 以德服人,以…… tu comptais t'y rendre en We are going to r____ for our English test 内外因的辩证关系原理要求我们如何做 主要矛盾和非主要矛盾、矛盾的主要方面和非主要方面辩证关系原理要求我们a、坚持均衡论和重点论的统一 b、坚持均衡论和一点论的统一 c、 坚持两点论和重点论的统一 d、坚持全面地看