
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 20:12:54
That's okay with --Are you feeling __?--Yes,I am fine now.A.any well B.any better C.quite good D.quite better j.reyez That's okay with me 的歌词! how are you feeling ,jim?I am feeling _______after a good sleep A much better B much wellC more better D more well J.Reyez 的that's okay with me中英文歌词对照 一个心里面一个独外面一个独是什么成语 古代诗人如苏轼、岳飞、辛弃疾、陆游等,在诗词中都曾表达过一种挥之不去的情怀——金戈铁马、驰骋沙场、为国立功.请写出这四位诗人表达这种情怀的诗句: 《西游记》,水浒传,三国演义,钢铁是怎样炼成的,选一个说好在哪里比如:修辞手法、写作好告诉我们什么道理等等没办法,我也喜欢红楼梦, Make sure that she still believesin love I am well 和I am good这两个句子分别指什么,怎么翻译 How are you feeling now?I am feeling even ( ) A well B good C ill D WORSE 三个独字是什么成语 四字成语:第一个是独,最后三个是什么字 有关描写夏天诗句的读物 初一语文苏教版读本里的《古诗十首》有哪些? 关于「读本」这个词的含义 温和造句 1使人感到亲切 A woman saw it—— when she was walking——.( ) A.happening;past.B.happen;passeA woman saw it—— when she was walking——.( )A.happening;past.B.happen;passedC.happen;past.D.to happen;passed 英语单词适当形式填空 A woman saw it{ } when she was walking past.(happen) 理由 好的英语读物 看 的 急.要求要写上 内容 和 推荐原因请写上这些:书名.作者.有插画的写插画作者.故事内容.推荐原因,. One day a woman was out golfing when she hit her ball into the woodsA woman was out golfing one day when she hit her ball into the woods.She went into the woods to look for it and found a frog in a trap.The frog said to her,"If you release me from th 有没有适合初一的英语读物呢,最好是有注释的 One day Tony Wang(cross) the road when he(hit) by a car Lucy was hit by a car.The car was broken,but she was OK.Why?还有下面几道1.The twins are _____A.on the different row B.in the different rowc.in the different rowD.in different rows2.I want to go to the shop over there.I think the shop is _____no samuel survived when the car that he was a passenger in turned off the road and hit a tree 翻译 请问:人体触电的条件? 触电感觉 英语翻译 英语翻译 he saw it ___when he was walking past A happening B happen为啥是第二个呢 明日歌的译文从“后生家每临事.请君听我 英语翻译