
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 22:02:08
There is a ball( )the chair.填介词.填on是错的.My father 【 】(finish )his work in an hour.我原本填的也是has finished 可是老师批的是错的 We 【 】(hold)the 2010 EXPO in shanghai。 my mother is( ) work,but my father is a( )visit to japan 填介词 图发倒了,好评不用说,必须的. I‘m very tired ; I often dream ()hard work I'm very tired;I often dream about hard work的意思 Dream big work hard 如何翻译?请高手赐教. I must work hard ___a student 填哪个介词? I often dream ——flying like a bird介词填空 /θiətə/是什么英文词语 [tʃeə]是哪个单词啊 /ə'ridʒənəli/ /skedʒul/ /'tʃeləu/ 英文单词 2.Mike often plays () the park ()Sunday afternoon. 填上适当的介词 The boy often ______trouble.Let's meet _____the gate _____ the parkGo out left ______ thhe house.The boy ___a football is Ken He often plays computer games___weekends.填介词Our class has a basketball match___Friday afternoon.There is a lot rain___Shanghai___summer ___does Mike usually go on weekends?He often____in the park. the famous actor often plays ____ his children in the parkA about B in C at D with 如图,物理的大题,有关电学的, 求物理大神解答电流(电压)的问题(如图).如图,F分别为灯串(每个灯串50个灯);蓝色为灯串的线;红色为主线;图一的接法为每个灯串分别连接到主线上;图二的接法为A、B,C、D,E、F, 如图,电源电压保持不变,滑动变阻器最大阻值为40欧姆,R2等于20欧姆,小灯泡的电阻为0欧姆且保持不变,当S1,S2均断开且滑片p置于滑动变阻器中点时,小灯泡的功率为10w,求:(1)当S1,S2均闭合且 急!急!急! My father often goes to work by car 的同意句My father often goes to work by. 的同意句My father_____ _____ _____. 英语零基础 疯狂背单词不学语法有用吗 零基础应该怎么自学英语 He often goes to work____his father's car.这是一道英语选择题,上面是题干,四个选项分别是:A.by B.with C.in D.for我认为答案应该是A,但正确答案是C,为什么? My father often goes to work by car 的同意句My father often ____ ____ _____. my father and my mother often go to work by car.对my father and my mother 提问who often (goes or go)to work by car?请说明原因, 请英语前辈指教:如何自学英语?如何背单词?这几年一直想自学英语,想从背单词开始为突破点.但是买一了本单词手册回来一看才发现.一个单词有好多个中文解释.这样一个单词背下来可就难上 词语搭配 思维 思路 思绪快,我有用 要换一种思路的考场开学典礼校运会差生值日生批评 ‘看法’这个词怎么解释 0基础的人如何自学英语?本屌现在高二狗,英语烂到爆了.上课听的根本不懂,不知道老师在说什么...从初一刚学英语到现在,英语基本没及格过,考试基本是蒙的...以至于一点都不想学英语,但到 矜持的近义词和反义词 矜持的反义词,赫然的近义词,提醒的近义词 近义词:赫然、遐想、铭刻.反义词:矜持.