
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 19:44:51
翻译'it's not the way you see me,it's the way you let me down'一楼二楼的翻译都不准确.这是一个男的对一个女的说的话. 热带草原上有牛吗我要写一篇关于热带草原上狮子捕捉猎物的作文, 请问:类似欣欣向荣的成语有哪些? AABC成语如欣欣向荣 帮孩子选少儿英语机构应该考虑哪些方面?孩子三岁多了,求有心的妈妈贡献一下您宝贵的经验! 选择少儿英语机构时 ,应该关注哪些方面呢 有关持之以恒的成语求一些有关持之以恒就会成功的成语如:水滴石穿,日积月累急用哦成语 英国浪漫主义的前后分期我只知道前期主要的代表人有华兹华斯和柯勒律治,后期则主要是拜伦、雪莱、济慈、司各特等.摆脱各位知道的话,能尽量详尽的给我说一下, Tom and Betty_______(make)model planes next Sunday. 求对英国浪漫主义的分析特点,几句就形. 深圳大脑地图青少儿英语效果好而且费用便宜的秘密是什么呢? just the way you new have you do teachers 连词成句 求成语,好难啊. 我要急用!夏天的成语 You have to__the causes of the fire accident before Sunday.a.find b.look for c.find for d.find out Have you ____ ____who broke the glass?(用find out,find或look for的适当形式填空) we have to (填什么)the way.A find for B look C see D ask You can find the bookstore you are looking for ___ 203 Shanxi RoadA inB onC atD near by ①have a decision to do sth.=decide to do sth.②-what did you say to your mother just onw?-I asked her____she cooked for dinner?A.that B.if C.how D.what 好像B和D都能选啊?如果选B意思是“我问她是否做晚饭了?”若选D意思是 少儿英语辅导哪里好啊 what -------you--------(bring)fur your mother just now?帮忙填一下,谢谢! 重庆少儿英语辅导哪里好 请问南京少儿英语辅导哪家比较好啊最好是有学过的家长推荐一下,广告的就不要贴了, 少儿英语辅导哪些是大家比较认可的呢?大家认可的应该比较好吧 ( ) came to the party last night? 游重庆科技馆的观后感就是重庆大剧院的旁边那个科技馆, Brian ________ many famous places since he came to live in Shanghai last year.A:has visited B:will visit C:was visiting D:had visited请详述理由, Who did he _____ to about their school life just now?A.say B.talk C.speak D.tell 再也按捺不住了,急匆匆的成语2 谁能帮我写一首关于《枸杞人生>的诗句! 【改错】Before you came to teach us English at last term.这句话为什么要去掉at?