
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 23:45:29
we go to the park almost every day?(划线部分提问)go to park划线 非英语专业,将来想从事金融行业,需要那些英语证书?目前只有四六级600+,比较喜欢英语,对翻译也有点兴趣.主要是想以考证为途径激励自己不把英语荒废了.求建议,在BEC高级、金融英语、高口 我从事金融工作 的英文怎么说 人的价值怎样来衡量 I want to be your wife “人的价值”的提出是否有意义?我们能用金钱来衡量人的价值吗? 为什么我在一些英文歌中和一些电影中看到you’re gone这样的句子,有这种语法吗.? 人与人之间最合适的距离怎么衡量? 翻译:He spent a whole day doing this,but none of them was the touchstone.Yet he went on and on this way. The doctor ______ the criminal dead after careful examination.A.pronounced B .claimed答案选择A,B为什么不对?或者还是答案错了? The doctor ______ the criminal dead after careful examination.A.said B pronounced C.claimed感觉ABC都对啊,不理解 ()he bought in the shop yesterday?A What was it that B Was it what that C What it was that D Was it that what 横线如何去表达 求一篇关于难忘的一个比赛场面的作文今天2010年11月12日小学五年级期中考试的作文400字左右!老大!今天急用! 作文难忘的场面 he bought a computer yesterday.变否定句 科技文章末尾的Competing interests statement 是什么意思?Competing interests statement :The authors declare that they have no competing financial interests是指作者已经申请了该研究方向的专利,还是没有申请专利欢迎 What kind of students are the most popular in your school六句话 改错 The students all are in school now. The lady ( ) a bottle of milk is Miss Brown.A.with B.in C.on get off on Best friends seem to find( ) others as if by magic.And when you find your best friend,the ma...Best friends seem to find( ) others as if by magic.And when you find your best friend,the magic will last forever.Aevery Bone Ceach Dthose(请选 Collegeboard上SAT全真模考只能考一次吗 英语翻译谁能帮我翻译一下后面的两句话,并且写出答案:1:What's the climate like in your part of China.2:Which month do you like best. 英语翻译1:Despite the widespread practices of dishonesty,we should be honest.It is fairly well known that being honest towards others is beneficial the people involved.But it is probably less well known that being honest towards others is equally 英语翻译杨利伟在太空停留了21个半小时,飞船绕地球飞了14圈.我们最关注秀莲这个角色,她勇敢、善良、坚强 英语翻译1、 Witness my hand and official seal hereto affixed 2010/07/022、 Notary public in and for the state of wang ming 利润=______ 利润率=________利息=_______ 请问向我这种情况是听VOA的慢速还是标准英语啊我现在刚大学毕业,大二考完六级后就没怎么碰听力了,六级听力150,之后准备考研但没听力啊,现在想继续提高英语听力和口语,像我这种情况是 英语好德进!写作文:请你谈谈在本学期有何打算或计划.80词左右. 在德企里起个什么英文名好?像Gary,John这样的是不是太美国化了,有什么名字是适合欧洲人特别是德国的? 请大家讲一下高中非谓语动词的用法要求:简单易懂,最好是自己根据自己的理解写的,我不要粘贴过来的长篇大论,thank you very much!