
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 22:43:04
蛋白质含有的是硫还是氮 有A.B.C.D.E.F.六种存在下列关系,(1)A+B=C+H2O(水分子) (2)C+KOH=D(红褐色沉淀)+E (3)E+AgNO3(硝酸银)=F(产生不溶于稀硝酸沉淀)+KNO3(4)B+D=C+H2O(水分子)则A. B. C. D 水浒传 西游记的读书笔记各3000字 作文 我所知道的金石中学 600字摘录水浒传中 鲁智深、林冲、宋江等主要人物故事3000字,摘录 西游记 中 孙悟空、猪八戒等主要人物故事3000字。自己写的 Organic Chemistry QuestionHow is the difference in behaviour between ethene and ethane accounted for?Answer in english will be better,thanks ORGANIC CHEMISTRY PDF版 你有吗 能否给一份?国外名校名著国外名校名著 第八版 红色影印版的 有请发我邮箱wf711x@163.com 有学有机化学(Organic Chemistry) 下面是两个亲电芳香取代反应,请问他们的产物分别是什么?为什么会产生不同的产物?希望可以得高这两个问题的解答,如果可以,希望得到两个过程的完整mechanis we have a holiday.我们有一个两个月长的假期we have a ( )holiday。我们有一个两个月长的假期填空 How do you like your grandma's farm?like it very much.还是It is very beautiful.有的答案是第一个有的是第二个。我真不知选哪个了。它给的答案是第二个。可我觉得How do you like ...y也可询问喜欢的程度呀 这条鱼有黑色的条纹是谁么鱼? 欧洲西部是指什么国家什么,绝大部分是发达国家 欧洲西部包括那些国家,其中谁不是发达国家? 欧洲西部发达国家分布最多吗 下列物质中,只含有离子键的化合物的是 A.KOH B.H2O C.CaCL2 D.NH4NO3 Can you tell me which room you live指出错误并更正 Which room can be eaten? 欧洲西部有哪些发达国家! where the Brown is Hospital组句 go与leave有什么区别 Please tell us ______.A.which room to live.B.which pencil to write withPlease tell us ______.A.which room to live.B.which pencil to write with.C.to talk about which picture.D.to buy which book Jane got a beautiful bike on birthday and she likes it very much求详解,急,忘打了,不好意思on __________birthday 为什么选her fifteen 而不是her fifteenth? I got a beautiful bike on( )birthday是填基数词十二,还是序数词十二 全身布满彩色的条纹是什么鱼? I got a new bicycle from my father on my—————— (sixteen)birthday.I like it very much.正确形式填空,为什么sixteen要改为sixteenth I like my new bicycle very much.I think it's more beautiful than ___.A.my sister and Linda's B.my sister's and Linda's 适当用冠词 1 He is ﹙ ﹚universite student.2 I have ﹙ ﹚bike.﹙ ﹚bike is very beautiful. 英语选择题和改写句子I'll try my best to help _________ students.A.others B.other c.the others D.anotherThe heavy snow kept the visitors staying on top of the mountain.(保持原句意思)The visitors were stopped _____ _____ the top of 英语选择题改写句子, 英语选择题和改写句子, 1道改写句子,如果可以请写一下原因.1.Our school _____ excekkebt meals for students.A.supplies B.provides C.gives D.offers2.In some _____,there are small schools for a few farm families in Shanghai.A.areas B.places C.countries D.zones3.Oi 一 种平扁型,有胸鳍,腹鳍,臀鳍,呈灰黑色带黑色斑点的小型鱼类是什么鱼 鱼的腹鳍的运动状态和作用是什么? 鱼的腹鳍起什么作用立马回答.