
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 00:40:30
初三化学7.下列粒子在化学反应中容易得到电子的是 ( ) 写一篇关于启示的作文字数要求:600字按照这段话接着写在我的脑海里,记忆着童年这样一个难忘的故事…… 最好附带练习题! 写启示的作文 在一个半径是20cm的水桶的上部和下部各围一圈铁丝,每圈铁丝接头处为5cm,共需要铁丝多少cm? 4个半径为5CM的圆捆在一起,(不算接头)需要多长的绳子? 6 ( ) 36 144 720 请问( )中填什么? 将一个铁圆锥放入一个装着水的圆柱中,圆锥半径5cm,高6cm,圆柱直径20cm,放入圆柱中,水面升高多少cm? 谁能帮我算算!385/144—1781/720=? 英语翻译Does the theory the god guides evolution assume the very kind of organized complexity it tries to explain?是关于哲学类的问题,自己理解的时候感觉有点歧义,不太确定,所以请达人来给个正解 英语翻译He said he would be back in one-minute.The waiter was very glad to hear that.Half an hour passed and the man didn't return.The waiter couldn't keep quiet any longer.He aked the boy why his father hadn't returned.The boy said,“I happened 英语翻译You have to stay consistent.It's a spiritual path.So,it also is very important that you live by your principles.I have heard many,many stories - even back from the early and mid-90s - of people who went on,like seminars with channelers.An Look at the flowers!they're _______(colour) I think the bright yellow flowers look more beautiful _A__ the blue skyA:against B:with C:to D:from 为什么选A? 一道改变世界的数学题o.999999...这是九的循环( )A.o.99999...1 C.o.99999...=1大家都知道应是A证明如下:设a=o.9999...则10a=9.99999.10a-a=9.9999.-o.9999...=9即9a=9a=1 某游乐场在开门前有400人排队,开门后每分钟来的人数是固定的,一个入口每分钟可以进入10个游客,如果开放了4个入口,20分钟就没有人排队,现在开放6个入口,那么开门( )分钟后就没有人排队 Looking for a song:Yeah,yeah,yeah,yeah,yeah Let this summer last foreverHi.I don't speak your language so i hope i'm doing this right.I've been looking everywhere for a song you posted here like two years ago.It says:Yeah,yeah,yeah,yeah,yeahLet this 问一道小学的六年级的英语的选词填空题······streets big have second work closeThe buildings are tall and close.Many people have to live,_______or shop in each building.All these people use the _______,parks and playgrounds. 汉字中"我"在不同的场合,称呼会发生变化,根据下列语境,填上"我"对应的称呼在叔叔面前我是他的( ),在舅舅面前我是他的( ),在马路上,我被称做( ),在商店里,我被称做( ),在影剧院里,我被称做( 这个数字用中文读出来 关于x的方程 k9^x-3k·3^x+6(k-5)=0(1)若k=3,求方程的解(2)若方程在[0,2]上有解,求k的取值范围 已知M(k,-2)到x轴和y轴的距离相等,则k= .如果点M(t-1,t+2)在y轴上,那么t= . 1、P是矩形ABCD内一点,若PA=3,PB=4,PC=5,那么PD=2、P是等边三角形ABC内部一点,且∠APC=117°,∠BPC=130°求:以AP、BP、CP为边的三角形三内角的度数.3、已知不等于零的三个数a、b、c满足1/a+1/b+1/c=1/a+b+c 选词填空题,comfortable enter fear handle however manage responsible share shortly smart succeed surround1:George is a very___boy;he is one of the best students in his class2:you have to work hard if you want to___in your courses.3:___after you l 这道选词填空题怎么做葬身 去世 丧身 毙命 死亡 夭折 牺牲 捐躯有的人至高龄而安然( ),有的未及成年就遽然( ),有的( )于车祸,有的( )于鱼腹 读作是汉字,写作是数字? 70000万怎么读作?(中文数字) 这个数读作什么 简便算式:62×71+38×71 数学题额.(2013•常州)某饮料厂以300千克的A种果汁和240千克的B种果汁为原料,配制生产甲、乙两种新型饮料,已知每千克甲种饮料含0.6千克A种果汁,含0.3千克B种果汁;每千克乙种饮料含0.2 这个数怎么读,请用汉字读出来,9,460,730,472,580,800米 5800381这个数字要怎么读,就是读成中文那种?是指读成五十万~这种,