
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 11:33:57
求解汉语中补语和状语的区别 求举例 什么是离子交换树脂 同一词语在同一句子中充当状语或补语有什么不同那语义上有什么不同呢?“爷爷高兴地回来了。”“爷爷看起来很高兴”“高兴”的语义指向是不是都是指向“爷爷”呢? 仙人垂两足,桂树何团团.白兔捣药成,问言谁与餐.这两句话怎么解释求住 请帮手猜这首诗是十二生肖里的什么?白兔捣药成,问言与佳餐,江晚正愁余,山深闻鹧鸪. ()捣药成,问言谁与餐 帮我猜猜动物谜:谜面:疑是瑶台镜,飞在青云端.白兔捣药成,问言与谁餐.O(∩_∩)O谢谢,3Q~ 我给分 求一篇 命题作文 《在乎》 600字左右 春风“像母亲的手抚摸着你”这是什么感觉?春风除了像母亲的手,你觉得还像什么? 在一个句子中,什么是状语 She reached at the glass,but it had droppedreached at? 找错:She forgot the umbrella on her seat.When she got back,it was missing. 命题作文;我读懂了我自己(应该按什么角度来写) 31 She dropped her pen.She stopped ________.A .to pick up it B to pick it up C pick it up D Picking it up 以心中的腊梅花开为题写一篇命题作文800字!要自己写的! She dropped the tray when I spoke to her.为什么用dropped,spoke?为什么不能用was speaking to her?我正跟她讲话的时候,她把盘子掉下去了. 命题作文 假期生活如何充实自己 命题作文《充实自己》如何审题 找出这个句子里的主、谓、宾、定语、状语、补语人们期盼已久的春天终于悄悄地来了. 找出下列句子的定语、状语、补语无数颗星星在茫无涯际的宇宙中运动着.载人的宇宙飞船已经成功的实现了登上月球的飞行.远处灯塔的红光想在黑暗的空间.教师入情入理的讲课也在我心上 帮忙分析两个句子和告诉我状语和补语的区别【句子已给出】He speaks English very well.他英语说得非常好(请问句子中的very well是补语还是状语)I think the TV set very nice.(这里的very nice是补语还 The little girl was the victim of the________,she________by the cruel________(kidnap). You were supposed_____at the bus stop this moring.A.to meeting B.to meet C.on meeying D.meet It is her red eraser.(改为同义句) ______eraser_____ _____. Only take such clothes__really necessary.a.as were b.as they are c.as they were d.as are Why? my shoes are really cheap.they only——me five dollarsA cost B took C spent D paid they are not really glasses,they are only frames.(in) different colors and shapes,这里为啥用in? 苏州园林为什么与北京的园林不同,极少使用彩绘 they were trying to return the money to ___lost itwhom whowhy? you were supposed to meet后接什么 Give the followings piural forms(翻译成英文) drop这首歌的MP3格式!