
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 08:46:38
改错,Anita Mei was a very famous pop singer in Ho改错,Anita Mei was a very famous pop singer in HongKong.Together with her mother,she began to perform in the age of four.In the early1980s,she took part in a local sing competition and won the in the shape of 什么意思?翻译一下 All the buildings in the district are _____________.A.a color B.of color C.of a color D.of col 摆脱的英文怎么拼写 DONNA怎么样 厦华电话是什么 【英语题】-The new singer's()on the stage makes us think he is a pop singer.-The new singer's()on the stage makes us think he is a pop singer.-Yes.And the song he sang()us of the city life in big cities.A.expression;remembered B.impression mia是什么意思啊 kiara 英语翻译百度翻译对不上歌词中文 We Will Get There 中文版这个歌以前孙燕姿拿中文唱过一个版本的~不过歌词好象不是这个意思的那歌叫什么名啊? What's to be done?是什麼意思?谁来帮我翻译一下,谢谢了. “miss you end what's to be done do He is a very famous singer a very famous singer 是不是名词性短语吖 名词性短语是不是只要找到名词中心词就可以了 其他的什么形容词 副词都不要管吖 精解释一个句子what‘s done can't be undone.的意思 蓄水池有甲、乙、丙三个进水管,灌满一池水单开甲管需10小时,单开乙管需12小时,单开丙管需15小时.上午8时三个水管同时打开,中间甲管因故关闭,结果到下午2时水池被灌满.甲管在几时被关闭? 有主从句的反义疑问句按什么判断?例:I don't think everyone is late,___.I told him not to somke,__. burden最常见意思是什么 如题 正襟危坐, 虚词 1,而 (1)浩浩乎如冯虚御风,而不知其所止 (2)倚歌而和之 (3)正襟危坐,而问客曰(4)侣鱼虾而友麋鹿(5)逝者如斯,而未尝往也(6)盈虚者如彼,而卒莫消长也(7)自其不变者而 “客”的用法 英语翻译还有这一段话.Those lies are wounded to afraid of you,but is I-you are really have to love I ,or take me and is your consolation ,or my imagine at traction from opposite ***?ask you as long as many love.Didn't care you and have anoth A.若有以下说明和语句:struct stu { int no; char *name; }student,*p=&student; 则以下引用方法不正确若有以下说明和语句:struct stu\x05{int no;char *name;}student,*p=&student;则以下引用方法不正确的是( ).A.stu The polluted air in this area has a strange smell,__ many people away. 为什么要填driving 而不填drove?谢谢. “苏子愀然”什么意思 小区内修了一个半圆形花坛,这个花坛的周长是102.8米,它的面积是多少平方米? 条件状语从句将来时If my mother comes,I must go to bed.这句话也表将来 但是没有willif后面也用一般现在时么? 条件状语从句中 如果从句变成一般过去时,主句变将来时的例句一句就行 不需要太长 void (*stu)(struct student*)这样表示什么意思啊,为什么会这样表示啊,小弟刚学C 求讲解. This dress will suit you. please t___ it o__.(试一试) 这道题是填try it on 吗?Nancy and David ____ to the park on the weekend. A. go B.goes C.is going D. going选A吗?为什么 struct student{int num,int score}stu; struct student *p;stu *sp和s这两个指针有什么区别,分别有什么不同的用法!请举例说明,