
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 00:07:53
It has no feet. Meter是什么意思? 这里meter的意思是什么?1.What is meter?Meter is simply a rhythm that has been chosen by the poet and which he repeats and uses consistently over the length of a stanza or complete poem.For a poem to be described as being written in meter,it ha meter's You can't make a thing cause the meter's dead 这是the london boys里的一句歌词,这句歌词中的meter's 怎么翻译? meter Don’t meter the sky.It's usually bright and will cause you to underexpose the rest of the scene. 以加速度a=2m/ss做加速运动的物体,下列说法中正确的是A.2s末速度是1s末速度的2倍B. n s时的速度是n/2时速度的2倍正确吗 如不正确请说明理由 谢谢(*^__^*) 嘻嘻…… 乙车静止,甲车经过乙车旁时速度为6m/s ,加速度为2m/s² ,甲车驶后2s,乙车以5m/s² 加速度追赶甲车,何时追上?追上前何时距离最远? 王刚t小时走S千米平均每小时行()KM平均行1KM要多少小时 用反证法证明圆的两条不是直径 死海的水可以让人浮在水面上 用反证法证明圆内不是直径的两条弦相交 英语谜语:this animal has no legs and no feet,but it has a big mouth,请告诉我这是什么动物? 1km是多少千米最好给我一个小学用的单位换算表 用how/many/mueh/old/long/tall造句 How many of these squares could you fit into a rectangle 24cm wide and 30cm long?的中文意思是什么. 我要写一篇交通征文,给点素材好的我还会追加分数 求一篇征文的材料弄得好的话追加悬赏分.主题是"2010,我的寒假生活”,帮我提供一下材料, 滴定管,温度计,量筒俯视读数会怎样 有两堆煤,第一堆是167千克,第二堆是153千克,如果要使第一堆的重量是第二堆的3倍问要从第一堆拿几千克放入第二堆 She has no hand or 初三中考阅读答案recently hand -foot- mouth disease has spread across china开头 It has__feet,but it walks___its handsA.no,in B.not,with C.no,with D.not,in 两队砖瓦,共重308kg,第一堆运出百分之20,第二堆增加19.6吨,两堆重量相等,原来他们各中多少吨帮帮忙!急发错了,应该是:两队砖瓦,共重308吨,第一堆运出百分之20,第二堆增加19.6吨,两堆 Tom is tall and heavy 可以表达为Tom is of ________build 两堆煤共1800千克,第一堆用去一半,第二堆用去八分之三后剩下重量相等,问原来两堆煤的比是多少 脑筋急转弯What has hands but no feet,a face but no eyes ,tells but does not talk?What two words have thousands of letters in them?What mever asks any questions but always gets answers?Which horses have six legs?What has teeth but cannot eat?脑 How is Tom?He is well.为什么不用good,用well ---How is Tom?---He is________A good B well C glad D right How old is Tom=___ ___is Tom 请你以《人生需要…》为题写一篇450字作文.本人一定好评 容量瓶和滴定管是精量器,而量筒是粗量器,为什么?,它们在结构有何区别? 以成功是什么为题写一篇500字的作文 今天就要!