
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 22:10:24
“熬”在“穷人”这篇课文中是什么意思?不是含义,单只意思. he is shopping at the mall.和he is shopping in the mall.有什么区别喔? be open,当主语是三单时,open加s吗?如:The shopping mall is open at 9 o’clock.为什么open不加s?快 It takes me ten minutes to go to the nearest shopping mall on foot.对ten minutes提问用什么 -Let's go shopping at the new mall.-Why not shop online?It's___.A.expensiveB.more expensiveC.less expensiveD.the most expensive The shopping mall ___very early and it__ after 10.00pm.A.open;close B.is open; is closedc.opens;close D.opens;is closed 夸别人有文化用什么词语 [急~]为我们班设计一次讲故事比赛的开场白(不少于80字) 夸字组词用夸字来组词(多一点) 夸怎么组词 夸可以组什么词 为了加强子女与父母沟通,开一个座谈,假如你是主持人,开场白,80字 夸得词语有哪些 关于中秋节的周记的开头,结尾,正文怎么写? 中秋节周记怎么写。复制粘贴就别来了,速度啊。坐等呢 有关中秋节的周记怎么写 抽水的水压子抽不上来水会是哪些原因造成的请问怎么解决 关于夸同学的词语 how-----(far,long)is it from your home to the shopping wall About fifteen mintes' ride—how-----(far,long)is it from your home to the shopping wall _About fifteen mintes' ride —____ is it from your home to the shopping center — About twenty minute's ride.A.How long B.Hoe far C.how much D.How soon it is about 40 minutes' ride from my home to your home .it is a long ___(完行填空 It's (30 minutes' ride)from my home to my school.对括号部分提问()()()it from your home to your 周记开头和结尾怎么写{百搭} 周记开头怎么写 夸美女的词有哪些阿?同上 夸一夸水的词,和夸自己的词五个以上 夸自己的词 请你以主持人的身份设计一段开场白和结束语,以"父母心" 为话题 以绿色,生命为题的班会开场白要在20字以内的! 请你以主持人的身份给下列事例设计一段开场白.事例:中国"神舟"七号成功问天,为了进一步宣传高新科技,学习高新科技,你班准备举行"宣传现代科技演讲会",请你以主持人的身份设计一段开场 《神奇的书》这篇文章的体裁什什么 《陶渊明集》作者是谁?体裁是什么?语文书中课文名称是什么啊?