
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 13:03:58
非谓语动词的不同时态在句子中的成分有什么区别?例如 是不是分词的完成式只能做状语 非谓的时态有进行 完成 没见过完成式做定语的 比如 a broken cup 没见过 a having broken cup 怎么回事? 为什么在句子中同是充当同一个成分,从句和非谓语动词中的动词的时态不同?当他们是充当同一个成分的。She makes me buy the bookshe asked that if i boought the book 为什么同时作宾语,前面的句子的买 下面这个句子的时态还有句子成分,Six generations of fools chasing after fooll's gold 《the book of secrets》六代傻瓜们,追寻子虚乌有的愚人金 fool's 状语丛句1.Tiantian plays football___,if not better than,Weiwei.a as well b as well as c so well d so well as 状语丛句的问题i watched one scientist draw the results of that day's measurements,pushing the end of a steep line still higher on the graph...在这个句子中.pushing the end.是壮语从句..但是状语从句的逻辑主语应当和主句 状语丛句练习(一)1.The meeting won't start_____everyone____here.2.He____back until the work____done.3.Tina will visit me when she____Shenzhen.4.I will tell him as soon as he____back.5.Will he finish his work before he_____for Australia?6.____th He enjoys reading books.(对 reading books画线提问)急给分那的人帮助一下 He enjoys reading books同义句 QM notifications - how do we email them to non-SAPHi guys,How can we assign external email addresses to tasks in the QM notifications?In our company there are managers who are not on SAP but should be informed of non-conformance?Is there any set up t how to operate customer consignment in sap?i want receipt some customer's meterial and assamble it,buthow to receive this meterials of customer provided which can not be caculated in CO module? 水波不() 轻风()阑 碧波()顷 大海( )洋 ( )用不尽 水波( )溢 辛劳( )渴 ( )浪推涌 变( )改革 寄( )山水 风( )滚滚 Jumping out of bed,he dressed so quickly that he put his boot on the wrong feet.这个句子里有两个谓语动词 dresses 和 put 不是说一个句子里只能有一个动词吗,难道从句可以单独看成一个句子,里面可以有一个谓 怎么判断一个句子里那个事谓语动词哪个是非谓语动词 Uncle Lee ( ) some kind of machine these days.MAKES B.MAKE C.IS MAKING D.MAKING These days it's dry.But some days ago,it was h() 立身有志则细流自江河,润物无声师引百川成沧海的意思,十万火急!求求各位了! 我是初中生,谁能帮我辅导一下英语里的丛句,主要是定语状语宾语! many的同义词(是词,不是词组)急啊………… 冰箱里有多少盒牛奶?剧院是提供人们观看戏剧或表演的好地方.你为何不和我一起去故宫呢?英语翻译 英语翻译要求人工翻译,语法正确,用到高一知识. brings me a lot of 吴哥的微笑怎么样 吴哥文明代表什么 什么是"吴哥西曲"? 诗句的出处和全诗!落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花.造物无言却有情,每于寒尽觉春生.今夜偏知春气暖,虫声新透露窗纱.此夜曲中文折柳,何人不起故园情.卧看满天云不动,不知云与我俱东.不 要写古诗词的内容哦! 大家帮我看看which在从句中充当什么成分?Language consist of words which we put together into sentences此句中的which引导的是定语从句么?在句中充当的是put的宾语么? which 的从句如何判断谓语动词的单复数? New York怎么读 doing、matter和New York 怎么读用汉字表示 怎样申请入读New York University