
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/27 05:05:00
二元一次方程的初三题.用配方法推出关于X的一元二次方程X²+px+q=0的解,并说明要使这个方程有实数根,字母系数p.q应满足什么条件 暮去朝来淘不住,逐令东海变桑田的全诗,还有诗人的名字 “专诸刺王僚,聂政刺韩傀,要离刺庆忌”以刺客故事谈士为知己者死的道理若回答满意,加财富50 有个题疑惑.(1)若函数y=f(x)的定义域为[0,2],则函数g(x)= " 分母为x-1 分子为f(2x)“ 定义域为---------- (2)已知函数y=f(2x)的定义域为[0,2],那么函数g(x)="分母为x-1 分子为f(x)"定义域为---------- Xi’an is one of the _______ (lively) cities in the northwest of China. Don't l___ at that old man.It's not polite. they are my friends.改一般疑问句,并做出两种回答. 暮去朝来淘不住,遂令东海变桑田的淘不住和遂令是什么意思 Don't s_____ at the old mam. It's not polite快哦 暮去朝来淘不住,遂令东海变桑田什么意思 Don't s______at others.lt's not polite In the northwest of 课前预习最后一题 的课前预习题急>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 课前预习第二题第二问 课前预习第二题. 怎么做,要有过程 求课前预习的第二题答案 Taiwan is the east of Fujian and _____the southest in China.我想问下 我记得老师说过台湾还没有回归 所以不能说in the southest of China 那福建那个为什么to 就单单因为是地理位置么? have a look at zig zag's clothes store.have look 就好了,为什么要加a Have a look at Zig Zag's Clothes Store的意思快 一道选择题一道填空题.写预习练习2—1和2—2. 动词时态填空 they (listen)to the teacher now 好段好句摘抄大全初中生写姐姐的 1)The strike will last for a week .That’s what ( )people believe.a) most of b)the most of c)the more d) most 2)Before ( )any buses .they will have to take a special test.a) to drive b)drive c)driving d)they will drive3)One or two people have object the strike will last for a week.that's what___people believe.1 most of 2 the most of 3 the more 4 most请问选择哪一个,及说出每个为什么对与错 we will lear the fifth lesson last week 改为we will lear _ _last week 1、They play football every afternoon.对play football 划线提问 士为知己者用,女为说己者容 一个朋友 对我说了这么一句话 士为知己死,女为悦己容这句话出自哪个人 求救:士为知已者死,女为悦已者容. 士知己者死,女悦己者容. “士为知己用,