
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 18:00:07
The children( ) doing their homework.The children ( ) doing their homework.应选什么 A.aren't B.isn't C.don't D.not 急求WESTLIFE That's What's It's All About的中英对照歌词要一行歌词一行翻译的! Are the children doing their homework at the moment?的肯定回答 at the moment是什么时态的标志?Are the children doing their homework at the moment?的肯定回答是什么?at the moment是什么时态的标志? _is important to have some good habits急用,大家帮个忙,谢啦 what was it about snails thatWhat was it about snails that made the writer collect them for his friend on that day in particular? 请问这是强调句的特殊疑问句吗.课文翻译"为什么作者要在那天为他的朋友逮了许多的蜗牛? 英语翻译我不明白为什么,纽约和新泽西里面都有英文‘new',而翻译一个是音译一个是字译,还有如凤凰城和洛杉矶等等. 名人传中米开朗基罗说过的名言一定要在名人传中有出现的米开朗基罗的名言 Last summer I visited the Gret Hall of the People ,in which many important meetings ( ) every yearA.were held B.are held C.had been held D.will be held The village _ we visited last month is in the mountains.A.which B.where C.in which D.when 要怎么样才能把生物学好呢 我不知道该往那个方面努力 总是对生物没什么感觉 我不知道我的步骤哪里出错了.图片传不上,能帮我的M我.我会给分的.如图,在三角形ABC中,角A=90度,BC=10,三角形ABC的面积为25,点D为AB边上的任意一点(D不与A,B重合),过点D作DE平行BC,交AC于点E,设DE= person people区别 名人传 米开朗琪罗简介分上下篇,1篇300字, 想到不一定做到的英文翻译 英文里上亿的数字怎么能做到听到就直接翻译成中文,不用笔记录 名人传中米开朗琪罗的作品要有时间和作品名 61 Heel Height:1 3684 in的翻译是: 《名人传》中 关于 米开朗琪罗的 外貌描写有哪些 大约300字 左右 ,thank you very much! 英文典故Achilles'heel与Cain'heresy的中文翻译是什么 名人传米开朗基罗启示最好短一些帮我摘抄一些50到100字 any和some放在不可数名词前表示什么?不放可以吗 Sorry,Unable to process request at this time -- error 999. 不可数名词在什么情况下加SOME 或ANY 在什么情况下什么都不加 激活苹果4出现we're sorry,we are unable to continue with your active at tis time 英语翻译 ios7b2 出现 we are sorry,we are unable to continue with your actuation at this time怎么解决这个问题(无卡情况) heel什么意思 heel 有几个意思.有多种意思吗? He doesn't like these_____.(glass) my grandfather is very old he doesn't like ___ convenient .(noise)最后一个单词是environment I'm late (because i can't find my bike )对划线部分提问Why don't you go to see the penguins with us?改为同一句_____ _______to see the penguins ________ you have seen things like these before doesn't matter.A.If   B.Whether   C.What D.When怎么翻译