
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 16:27:44
英语翻译The American geographer Ratcliff,coming from a diffient point of view from ours,has also disputed and rejectd the popular thesis that metropolitan problems of scale.To reduce metropolition problems to problems of scale means to ignore the 毛泽东在中共中央八七会议上提出的著名理论推断是 “兵民是胜利之本”这一著名论断,是毛泽东在( )这篇著作中提出的.1997年3月14日,由八届全国人大五次会议审议通过( ),它是我国国防和武装力量建设的基本法. 坦克大决战 BATTLE OF THE BULGE怎么样 毛泽东有哪些著名论断 We must think it over before we are going to trade for something we want with what we have求高手帮忙翻译成中文 What is the main propuse of the battle in Somme?Somme was a battle in the WWI. 大家帮我看看这句话有什么错误氖,原子核外有2个电子层,且最外层有8个电子的粒子,其化学性质不活泼.这错在哪里? 帮我看看这句话是不是有毛病同样具有混血的血统,但他并不是欧美的混血,而是哪种能够摄人心魄的有神双眼这句话应该是一个记着写的.我觉得有毛病.你们帮我看看 We shouId get to schooI on time every day同义句We shouId_____schooI on time every day 高一必修一语文课文《包身工》有几个问题求帮助!课文主要分为三部分:起床、早饭、上工实况课文主要分为三部分:起床、早饭、上工实况问:这篇文章内容间是如何转换的?(比如课文 zhao nv peng you 找女朋友,我20,179 ,有愿意的么?空间里有自己照片. the Battle of Königgrätz 应该是德国某地的一场战役 Don't run or shout_____the party.A formB atC onD about 星火英语15篇文章贯通5-6级词汇真的能涵盖所有六级词汇吗?感觉生词不是很多,所以想问问这个问题.另外5-6级应该包括六级吧? What can we do __them not talk loudly hereA ask B tell C let D to make this或that在问句中作主语时,回答都用 ------- 回答都用什么啊 来人回答 this/that+单数或不可数?如题 I bet是什麽意思? He is considered to be in need of experience 这句话有错吗?错在哪儿? get out of the bathroom Don't hog the bathroom. Ann takes photos in the bathroom. The Little Hands of Asphalt 英语翻译 Hold the hand of memories是什么意思 关于 不定冠词的几道题 请教大家选出答案并作出解释 谢谢大家了 回答好的加分哦1.we decided to do the experiment ________ third time A.a B.an C.one D.the 2.the man was in ____ hurry to catch ____train A.a;the B.the / C. 关于不定冠词与定冠词的选择题Toward ( ) evening ( ) cold rain began to fall.A.an;the B.the;a C./;an D.the;/ it's _to shout in the library. You can't shout i ______you are in the library. at the hands of Man 是什么成分?.Animals suffered at the hands of Man in that they were destroyed by people to make way for agricultural land to provide food for more people.请问in that they were destroyed by people to make way for agricultural 友友们,百善孝为先,的前一句是什么?