
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:58:03
英语翻译Millions of years ago,we evolved three basic drives:the sex drive,romantic love and attachment to a long term partner.theseciruits are deeply embedded in the human brain.They are going to survive as long as our spcies survives,on what Sha 翻译 还是会挂念 our new teacher speak english so quickly that i cannot ()what he says.a.listen b.hear c.catch He speaks English as well as,if not betterthan,our english teacher .与He speaks English as well as our English teacher,if not better than him.相同 初中英语的一个语法问题 a friend of mine "mine"是看作名词吗 改成 a friend of me 为什么不可以 另求关于mine之类的名词性物主代词的解释加例句 T AT 新年快乐 为什么正电荷在电场中从A点移动到B点静电力做正功然而从B点到A点又是做负功的?一“正”一“负”到底是为什么?怎么判断是正功还是负功?还有把“正电荷”改成“负电荷”呢 I must go…take care of yourself…i will miss you… It is getting colder now,and you have to take care of yourself!I miss you!I really miss you ...It is getting colder now,and you have to take care of yourself!I miss you!I really miss you so much,my love.谁告诉我这些英文的汉语是是什么 Darling…take good care of yourself .I really miss you Take care of yourself .xy miss h.forevermore like you. 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 1. l ——(be)me and you ——(be)you. 2.the music ——(sound)nice3 .he can——(jump)and he can ——(run).4.they——(have)lots of fun now5.Daming——(think) 求快!It is fun _____(catch)fish in the pond.用所给单词的适当形式填空 How ____ it ________(sound)It is fun _____(catch)fish in the pond.用所给单词的适当形式填空How ____ it ________(sound)?Interesting? how sweet the music ()!应该填sound to 还是sound?Ladies and gentlemen,please remain __________ until the plane has come to a complete stop.A.seated B.seating C.to seat D.seat,为什么填seated?固定词组里remain只能和seat的过去分词搭 谁有come over here baby的连接地址,我不要李宇春版的,我要放空间里,所以最好是WMA或者MP3的,谁有告诉下,不要其他格式的 电压表判断正负极的方法 关于专利申请中发明内容和具体实施方法有什么本质区别?我的补正书中这样说,见上图.可否简单这样理解;发明内容中要描述的是对应权一的,比较概括,而具体实施方法中是须对应附属权利的? having a lot of things to 英语:对画线部分提问Some books are inside the box.( )( )inside the box?画线部分是some books 黑博物馆弹簧腿杰克怎么样 滤波电路如何滤除脉动直流电中的交流成分 做的功和消耗的能量是——的. 负功与能量储存摩擦力负功会变为热能安培力负功转化为电热是不是做了负功的都会变为其它能量储存啊是又为什么啊 他们又没联系负功转化的过程是咋样的呢 手机导航gps无法定位怎么回事 手机GPS卫星无法定位是怎么回事?机型是OPPO Find3,下的是百度地图,但不知道为什么,最近导航一直提示的是卫星定位中,然后就一直没动静,卫星信号一直显示只有2,这是手机问题还是信号问题啊? 数控加工中心,Z轴没有反应,位置坐标也不变化数控加工中心,Z轴没有反应,手轮及归零都没反应,但其他两轴(XY)一切正常,就Z轴有问题,本来是因为装夹刀问题,我把刀库的气管全拆了出来,不 数控加工中心怎么实现改动一把刀的测量长度余下的刀具一起改变众说纷纭,大家的换点都不同,不知道那个是真正的答案!但还是要感谢大家!谢谢! be surprise at还是be surprised at i have to stay at ( ). 为什么合外力做的功等于物体动能的变化而不是总能量的变化?我对动能定理不是很理解啊 合外力对物体做正功或者负功,物体机械能的变化情况 为什么合外力做的功等于动能的变化?为什么会有内能,我总是思考本来就存在的自然现象,老师总说用脑思,那该思考什么呀 He was so angry that he could h_____ say a word.