
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 23:03:24
英语语法高手请进 写理由1.--Mike,you ___ on the phoneA.is wanted B.want C.are wanting D.are wanted2.--When and where to build the new school ___ A.is not decided B.are not decided C.has not decided D.have not decided 超难英语语法 写理由1.The old man played for ____,but still nobody put any money into his hatA.some time B.some times 英语语法 写理由(详细)1.Here is ___ old book.But it is ___ useful one.A.an; the B.an;a C.the; an D.an;an2.There is good ___ for you,I've found your lost watchA.news B.ideas C.message D.thoughts3.When I was walking in the street,I saw a pl 高二外研英语周报四川版2012---2013总3179气第55期答案还有54期的! 有8个数他们平均数是18去掉一个数后剩下7个数平均是19在去掉一个数剩下6 个数平均数是20去掉这俩个数的和 英语语法总汇 英语语法填空 问几道英语单选题,1.The flowers wew so lovely that they ____ in no time.A.sold B.had been sold C.were sold D.would sell2.I know a little bit about Italy as my wife and I ____ there several years ago.A.are going B.had been C.went D.have been3.- 问几道英语单选题,希望得到分析解答1.when he entered the room,he dound Mary ___at the desk,reading.A.seating .B.sat.C.seated.D.sitting herself为什么不选B,A看起来也可以吧,前面不是有when么..2.it has been announced that c 几道英语单选题, 求这几道题的解析,11.---- I heard Backstreet Boys would sing at the New Theater.---- Where did you _______?A.pick that up B.put that up C.make that up D.take that up12.I came home very late last night,_______,early this morning.A.at the latest 八年级数学(反比例函数)题【分子/分母】在反比例函数 y = k / x 的图像上有一点p (a,b),且a、b分别是方程 x方-5x-6=0的两个根,求k的值及点p到原点的距离. 八年级数学(反比例函数)1. 如图,正方形0ABC的面积为9,点O为坐标原点,点B在函数y=k/x(k>0,x>0)的图像上,点P(m,n)是函数y=k/x(k>0,x>0)的图像上任意一点,边点P分别作x轴,y轴的垂线,垂足分别为E,F,并 反比例函数y=2/x,y=4/x,y=6/x的图像具有的共同特征:1 .2.. 八年级下册 数学 反比例函数某校科技小组进行野外考察,途中遇到一片十几米宽的料泥地.为了完全、迅速通过这片湿地,他们沿着前进路线铺了若干块木板,已知人和木板对湿地地面的压力 英语语法专家请进 写理由 EnglishI don't think Jim saw me.He ___ into a spaceA.just stared B.was just staring C.has just stared D.had just stared 英语语法专家请进 写理由How are you going to the ariport to meet your grandmother?-_____ my carA.By B.on C.at D.for-Her answer ____ the letter made him happyA.on B.for C.to D.at 一个英语单选题----高手帮忙2The mother asked her son whether he had passed the exam _____ .A:the next day B:the day before C:the day ago D:before the day 英语语法grammar 英语语法 correct my english grammar mistakeThe single majorethical dilemma is whether the boss should put software into market.Since theprogram is being advertised widely,If the softwarecan’t put into market as soon as possible,it is bad for oc 英语单选题,She said she'd rather you_____tomorrow instead of today.A leaves B left C leave Dwould leave但不是过去式吗?为什么不是B呢? 英语语法题 With the plane___in ten minutes ,the passengers were asked to fasten their safety beltAtaken off Bto take offCwould take off Dtaking off还有1道--shall l give you a ride?you;re tired--______a lt's your dutyBdon;t mention it Cdo as y i saw him watching the football match.和i saw he was watching the football match.都对么我就是不太清楚see后可以加从句么? 三道英语语法问题(初中)1.Planes travel faster than trains.其中than trains做什么成分?是否是“ faster than trains”一起构成状语?2.I have never been to Hainan.其中谓语是哪里?是否是have been to 那么never做什 初二英语下册四单元3b的答案 初二英语目标下册答案外研版 初二英语练习册下册的答案 谁好心,把初二英语下册练习册的答案给我人教版的 初二英语练习册课改版答案通称白皮或蓝皮,因为上面有白色和蓝色,丰台区用的练习册 财务管理学习题1-5题号:1 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案) 本题分数:5内容:甲某拟存入一笔资金以备三年后使用.假定银行三年期存款年利率为5%,甲某三年后需用的资 谁能帮我做下《财务管理学》的一下几个题1、某人3年后要还20000元,若年利率为6%,他现在起每年要存相同的金额,请问要存多少元.2、某企业计划生产A产品,需要甲材料5000件,每次采购的订货成