
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 04:46:47
margin customer是什么意思 customer center是什么意思 请问环保局环境监察大队属于什么编制?请问环保局属于什么编制?下属的环境监察大队呢?我是山东的.前一段时间考的公务员,报考时上面介绍的是参照公务员法管理单位.因某些原因,补录了一 My mother works for 8__________(huor)a day Your happiness,happy,I hope you have a great sun cover you with all the have happiness,later Your happiness,happy,I hope you have a great sun cover you with all the have happiness,later 这句话具体是么意思? There was cheer in every face and a spring in every step. 是什么意思 最后一个填空 翻译 The whole community affected by the terrible tragedy. The famous football star looks very handsome and charming1.The famous football star looks (very handsome and charming)对括号内内容提问( ) does the famous football star look ( )2.The two boys carries the man to the gate ( ) room(keeper 你能停下来听我说吗?can you ( )( )( )( )me Can you halp me? 如题 You can — (打电话)me at 2394455.(—限填一词) are you from shang hai?的同义句 you are not from the states,aren't you 这句话正确吗?从网站上看到这句话,但是依照一贯的反义疑问句用法,后面不应该是肯定才对吗?这句话说错了吧? Everyone's fingerprints are u___ ,so the police often use them to find criminals pocket是什么意思?! 改句子 Don't eat sweets before bed.同义句转换用动词的适当形式填空have good tooth (not)drink go invite1.Don't eat many sweets.It's bad fou your___.You will have a____.2.Sandy,__too many soft____.3.Alice is not fine today.She___a coug 魏晋以来积蓄,扫地无遗 是指那一事件后的严重后果 我昨晚梦到 我在一个农村的田埂上无缘无故睡着了 醒来之后 看见旁边有一个很大棺材 上面还有白布 而且 我的另一边 还有一个坟墓 只是一个简单的坟墓 没有什么花圈之类的东西 这个梦是 三国时期,开始是魏的兵力最强,吴第二,蜀第三,后来呢?晋统一了多少年,后被谁取代 晋魏玄学中的一对范畴5个字的哦 on the side作兼职的意思怎吗造句? A heart's distance是什么意思? a large distance 和a big distance谁比较准确?我想表达的是:你的订单数量和我们的最小起订量有很大的差距.请问该用large还是big. Pocket set 是啥个意思哈? 推荐几个好的博客,要非常有意义的,多谢了.个人比较喜欢情感方面的、财经、名人、其它都行,不太喜欢明星的,不用叫我到新浪找,太多了、又找不到情感方面的,不用人气极高但要有意义的, it is hard to stop_____ (somke)for my fatherjake has a ___(spot)pet dog at home He has a ___(play)little cat The plane took off ____(safe) ex-musician是什么意思? 注塑周转箱怎么减轻制品重量?机器上已经不可改动,再改动就注不满,可不可添加一些低成本的材料来降低重量. 赫德森真的只有46厘米? The performance of the famous actor Ge You was____made high box officer for the film.A.what B.who