
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 06:27:44
Li Hong learn English by listening to the radio 的时态 by,to,a,radio,we,learn,listening,English连词成句 how do you learn english so well?__listening to the radioA.for B.by C.in D.with I ,learend a lot (from)my teacher.2,He learn English (by)listening to the radio.括号单词语法区分? Li ming learns english (by listening to the radio) 怎么提问 括号里的 若点A在原点的左边,离原点3各单位,如果把A沿着数轴向右移动6个单位,到达点B,那么点B所表示什么样的数?此时点A与点B表示的两个数有什么关系? 圆周率是不是有理数中的正数?如果是正数,那圆周率又是无限不循环小数,不是有理数,而正数又是有理数中的一部分...而正数的规则是0以上的数叫做正数.真是晕了偶,偶现在不懂圆周率是不是 she is listening to the radio.(改为一般疑问句) She is listening to the rasio改为一般疑问句 填空The girl lives on the second floor.She is listening to the radio.The girl lives on the second floor.She is listening to the radio.The girl ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) the radio lives on the second floor. 线性相关系数公式 什么的平方等于34 急死了我是八年级的、什么正负根号吖.?? 30的平方加多少的平方等于34的平方 设函数f(x)=ax^2+lnx求f(x)的单调区间设函数f(x)=ax^2+lnx(2)设函数g(x)=(2a+1)x,若x属于(1,+无限)时,f(x)恒成立 求a的取值范围 以知a的2n+1次方=2分之1,则8a的6n+3次方-1值要过程 At weekends,I usually ___ for half an hour in the morningA go run B go to running C go running D running 在三角形ABC中S=a^2-(b-c)^2求sinA 在三角形ABC中,已知a=2,b=3,c=120°,则sinA的值为 求详解,急 几道概率论的问题1、设F(x)=0,x0,则(A)P(B|A)>0(B)P(A|B)=P(A)(C)P(A|B)=0(D)P(AB)=P(A)P(B)3、设X~N(0,1),N(1,1),且X与Y相互独立,则下列正确的是(A)P{X+Y 1、分子:a平方—4a平方 分母:—4a+42、分子:x平方—2xy+y平方 分母:y—x 8x平方(x—y)三次方/6x(y—x)平方 化简题.化简,(a^-3b^4)^2乘(3a^2b)^-2.(x+y)乘x^2/x^2-y^2+y^2/y-x.y-3/4y-8除(y+2-5/y-2).解分式方程,2/2-x+x^2-1/x^2-4+1/x+2=1. 把过程写下来 she walks in the garden f_______ about half an hou填一个f开头的词,符合句意.抱歉 最后是hour She walks in the garden for about 30 minutes(改为同义句并且对划线提问)划的是for about 30 minutesShe walks in the garden for about 30 minutes(改为同义句)She walks in the garden for about —— —— —— A:Where is Lily?B:She ____ for about half an hour.A.has leftB.has goneC.has been awayD.went She goes running for half an hour every morning .(意思一样)It takes _____ half an hour to _____running every morning Kitty and Alice are asking Winnie about where she has been in Garden City.(中文翻译) Mr.Green e___ in the garden foe half an hour every day. 已知函数f(x)4的x次方/(4的x次方) +2求f(2008分之1)+g(2008分之2)+f(2008分之3)+…+f(2008分之2007)的值 已知|a-1|+(ab-2)的2次方=0求x/ab+x/(a+1)(b+1)+...+x/(a+2007)(b+2007)=2008的值 a half hour later\after half an hour\after half an hour later\half an hour later分别是什么意思?