
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 16:19:18
我可以背好多英语单词,但我背出来后不会用,放在阅读里理解错,求高手指点如何应用他们, Do you have any problems carrying the fruit? 记1个英语单词记住了 但是换个地方又不认识了 有什么办法可以避免这事吗?还有记单词老是记不住 有什么快的记单词的方法吗? Tom pretend __________it ,but in fact ,he knew it very well a long time ago .A.not to listen to B.not to hear about C.not to be listening to D.not to have heard about 1、___Tom appears extremely cheerful in public,he is in fact leading a very unhappy life.A While B When C As D Since2、Besides the occasional hotdog,I rarely eat ____unhealthy.A nothing B anything C something D none Annie pretended_____about the news,but as a matter of fact ,she knew it very well last weekA.not to hearB.not hearingC.not to have heardD.having not heard选哪个 为什么 Beijing is the capitai of China.(保持原句意思) Beijing is the _________of China.Beijing is the capitai of China.(保持原句意思) Beijing is the ___ ___ ___of China. Wei Ming`s aunt_______(speak) English very well.Wei Ming`s aunt_______(speak) English very well.She________already_________(be) to many countries in the world. bitch ass nigga 这话,是骂人的意思吗如题 Bitch ass nigga 老外打的Pussy ass Rt Wts up bitch ass 其他都懂就是niggar是啥意思?打错了么 是黑鬼么 黑鬼不是er么 粥字的由来及意义和解释 请问,从效益主义的观点出发,究竟哪个行为比较道德呢?1.1996年的921大地震,台湾中部面临前所未有的重创,然而在921之前才因大卖Hello Kity商品大赚台湾人数亿金额的麦当劳,却在三天後宣布捐款 Get Kids 、( )是会计人员必备的行为品德,是会计职业道德的灵魂A.爱岗敬业 B.客观公正 C.诚实守信 D.坚持准则 get a conversation going Be the best of whatever you are是什么意思?好像是一首诗的题目 求教大神,泛型Class和Class是什么意思?我能理解ArrayListal这样的泛型,是里面只能装String类型的数据.按照这种思路,Class和Class是表示什么? 半小时前这知猫把我房间弄得乱七八糟的英文翻译 英语翻译猪年将尽辞旧迎新;鼠年岁芳龄继往开来;多情自古常有事.笑痴狂,不迷茫.今朝有酒渡今朝.且为乐!又何防.人生自态皆常尽,要思量,千金虽属常之态,不可思量父母重情意长,要思量,不可 Do what you want do where do you usually go during the spring festival解释这句英文 英语翻译4 sets of 5-25 reps per segment...(always breath in during stretch,breathe out during flex) 英语翻译比如一个句子:××被弄得乱七八糟的 英语翻译看了非诚勿扰,把我爱你翻译的驴头不对马嘴的.什么甄嬛版的,唐僧版的,还也很多很多乱七八糟的翻译,因为不懂,我很愤怒. i don't want you to help me with my maths 改为被动语态! 新东方的“酷学酷玩”冬令营今年杭州有相关课程吗?打算报名参加,请问具体时间和课程安排是什么呀? ( )在月球上建造移民基地的愿望实现了,( )没有多少人能够去居住.填关联词语 即使在月球上建造移民基地的愿望实现了,也不会有多少人去居住?(改为反问句) 即使在月球上建造移民基地的愿望实现了,也不会有多少人能去居住.(改为反问句) What you've said is ____(possible) true ,but I disagree with you .What you've said is ____(possible) true ,but I disagree with you . 答案及理由 .