
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 17:02:24
我能写出下列词语的近义词 变化莫测、朝气蓬勃、温文尔雅、气壮山河 词语接龙 朝气蓬勃 尿检出现管型和病理性管型?代表什么?管型(CAST) 0.66/微升管型(低倍)(CAST) 1.91/LPF病理性管型(PC)0.40/微升 验尿时管型.0. My father used sticks to make a house for my dog.怎么填同义句 the captain realized to his horror that Titanic was sinking rapidly这是新概念3中lesson 10的课文中一句话,这里realize后边为什么加上个to? close,nonsexual friends of the opposite sex翻译成英语 The “unsinkable” passenger liner Titanic sank on her maiden voyage when she struck an iceberg in the Atlantic. In 1913,Titanic was the largest and most luxurious cruise ship that---A.was ever builtB.has ever been builtC.has ever builtD.had ever been built Only famlily and close friends _____ to my father's birthday party a couple of days away?不好意思,忘记打选项了A.are invited B.were invited C.had been invited D.would be invited请问选什么? I missed being a part of the close group of friends we had formed over the years.watching her wallow in self pity was maddening.I wanted to scream at her that it was her own damn fault and to quit blubbering about it.I stood there stoicly day after d 9选5组合怎么计算的高中学的都忘了 请教具体的计算方法 请用自己的话说说三峡四季怎样的特点 (尽然有序 史无前例 不以为然 褒贬不一 朝气蓬勃 欣慰)造句 不以为然( ) The great ship,"Titanic" set off for America in April,1912其中有一题 Which is the best title for the passage?A.How was the Great Ship Sinking .B.The sinking of the Titanic.c.How does the Titanic go down请问这三个有什么不一样呢?( 不以为然 一词的用法对于法国佳士得拍卖行拍卖中国圆明园被掠文物一事,一些法国人不以为然,他们认为法国在历史上抢了意大利等许多国家文物,在法国算不了什么.就是这句里的不以为然 the titanic sank on its maiden voyage怎么翻译 适当形式填空:1.Titanic ___ in the Atlantic on the night of 10 April,1912(sink)2.We mustn't throw ____ cigarette ends everywhere.(burn)3.Terry ____ a DVD in the shopping mall yesterday.(buy)4.Don't worry,Mary.I ____ the flowerpots inside alrea 伊索寓言 佳词妙句 怎样让自己自信一点,朝气蓬勃一点,年轻一点 成语 形容信心 充满自信 充满热情朝气蓬勃? “让我们共同祝愿全校每一位朝气蓬勃的青少年朋友青春亮丽,朝气蓬勃.” 如果有,要求格式一样.要怎么改? 如何给自己制造朝气蓬勃的一面?我25岁,几年都是平淡,当初的朝气已经迷失.想从新找回,我穿着方面都觉得自己步入30岁了. please don not be ()for a long time() long time not be sucked 翻译标准一点 改错:The young couple often uarrel for their family prolems. in many cases,having a pet prepares a young couple for a sense of responsibility for a family翻一下要说的顺啊! ____is always the husband who___first when a quarrel comes about between the young couple.A.It;gives away B.This;gives out C.It;gives in D.That;gives off 建党九十周年的征文 正比例函数图像经过(1,2), the last thing I wanted was for dad to punish me 这句话中be for 什么用法?was for