
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/10 10:47:42
Tom didn`t run fast enough to catch up ____ them Don't worry ,sir. I'm sure I can run () to catch up witn them .A slowly enough B enough slowly C fast enough D enough fast ladys and gentleman和ladies and gentlemen哪个格式正确啊 有一首歌开头是ladies and gentleman 外国男人唱的 很嗨 叫什么 找一首含有“ladies and gentleman”的英文歌 1.根据下列提示性词语之间的关联和要求提炼出2-3字(1)毒品 否定 电扇 不算 二字__ __(2)小事 开门 西瓜 油 二字__ __2."打"的义项例:外出乘坐出租车叫打(的)毫无隐瞒的公开说出来称打() 翻译:Our hope give up to the reality,we surrender before the truth. 根据提示性词语之间的关联和要求提炼出2-3字 不争气 成语 乐不思蜀 后主 二字:— 有一首歌是什么ladys gentleman how do you do 甲、乙两名同学比赛折纸鹤,甲同学5分钟折了12只,乙同学4分钟折了10只,谁折得快一些?(用分数解答) Would you please tell me the way how I can get to the zoo? 这是状语从句么?谢谢了! This is my computer.改为一般疑问句 this is my new computer对my提问 some children, ____(inclube) mary and rose,will pick some flowers for pick some flower.的汉语意思是什么? His home is not near his school改同义句 His home is___ ___ ___ his school 安塞腰鼓西北现在好像成了贫困落后的代名词,作者为什么要这样赞颂西北汉子如题 My mother wants to buy some fruit——us.填介词 The school is far from his home.同义句 I am thinking about sending some flowers to my mothersending some flowers to my mother画线 中营村去年修了2条水渠,总长604米,今年修的水渠长度是去年的3倍,今年比去年多修多少米? 哪位大神能帮我写《温和与暴力》200字作文总结? ls this your backpack? 改为陈述句 英语,对划线部分提问:Andy's cousin is tall and slim.划线部分是tall and slim 如何在好看的图片上写上文字或文章?具体一点,图片就类似于信纸,而且文字可以做成艺术字的. 根据《滁州西涧》所描绘的情景,将这首诗改成一篇优美的文章不要太长,一段就可以 Is this your watch?(改为陈述句) is this your watch ( ) ? 现在给答案 战争残骸 对文中具体描绘的五福画面,作者详写了哪一幅?为什么详写? 植物大战僵尸OL超五悟空进化攻略,最好带图 魔方各中心块相对位置会变吗? I will never _____hearing this piece of music for the first time.It is so beautiful.A.enjoy B.like C.remember D.forget