
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 02:51:11
I often walk with my 首字母填空:Dogs can walk e__ Ducks walk _________than dogs do .图上有很多鸭子 Grandmother,tell me a story tell为什么用原形Grandmother,tell me a storyFrom the pages of once,long ago.When the wind was a childAnd the rivers ran wild.Tell me grandmother,so I will know.一段歌词这里什么时态 tell是原形 是一般现 her father is waiting for a bus there 划线部分:a bus 对划线部分提问 "我与经典有约"怎么写?who can help me? Who can help me?标准状况下,体积为6.72L的NO和NO2的混合气体,质量为11.88g,则NO和NO2的体积比为?o My daughter _____(go) to school from Monday to Friday.用括号中所给词的正确形式填空 用daily造句,最好复杂一点,长一点的! daily造句 用daily life造句 用the,cat,a,park,in,lives造句百度知道 We all look _ to the kind-hearted old man.A.onB.downC.upD.around This is the first time in their____ to ski on the Apls A.life B.lifes C.lives解释一下为什么只能选C This is the first time in their lives to ski on the Apls.划分句子成分 This is the first time in their lives to ski on the Apls.关键是Apl是什么意思 我爱你 中国作文 要600子, 作文 我爱你,中国的( )150字 after reading the report.we found ___importhing to protectthe birds in the wild.it's/ it/ its/ itself the young man was found alive after being missing for several days 怎么was 跟found The boy often watch TV on Sunday .中的the boy是第三人称那watch要加s吗 we have three days ____ for May day(填介词或副词) 国庆节你们放几天假(翻译) 选择题一道 who can help me with this?( )and happy,Tony stood up and accepted the prize.A.SurprisingB.SurprisedC.Being surprisedD.To be surprising详细解释一下哦···谢谢啊··· when,do,you,get,up,on,Sunday, Peking Man_(find)_Zhoukoudian near Beijing填什么?为什么? Peking Man __(find)__ Zhoukoudian near Beijing. 怎么填!? Peking Man __(find)__ Zhoukoudian near Beijing.怎么填! Peking Man lived in a_______(填一个词)near Beijing. 英国当代诗人西格夫里.萨松曾写过一行不朽的警句:“In me the tiger sniffs the rose."台湾诗人余光中把它译成中文:“我心中有猛虎在细嗅蔷薇”意思是每个人往往有刚阳和阴柔两种性格特征. 一女的给我留言Tiger in me sniffs the rose.那女的我在暗恋她!她好像也知道. In me the tiger sniffs the rose. "I usually play sports on Sunday"是什么时态