
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 04:57:36
有什么手机软件可以听写英语或者中文呢最好针对小学生,输入单词和生字,自动读出来就行啦 you'll succeed so long as you stick to your aim !是什么意思 he is bound to succeed in his enterprise翻译 stick to succeed.I believe是什么意思 But you are my life to protect the men 什么意思 1.--Where do you often play?--I often play ( ).2.--l have a map ( ) China.提示词:ofanditatsomedog.可用短语或单词 描写小艇的比喻句 As for baseball,his parents often play it(否定)As for baseball,his parents ___ ___ it 哀溺文序中哀的原因是什么 70词左右的作文 Let's help animals we would help them if them are in distrss.这个are有we would help them if them are in distrss.这个are有语法错误吗 我想做一位绅士风度的男人我想做一位绅士,彬彬有礼?不过很累 哀溺文序中的哀溺是什么意思 为什么冲洗相片的房间用的是红色灯光?在我们的现实中,当你走进冲洗相片的暗室时,你会看到整间房都是红色的灯光,而不选用灯管或白炽灯呢,这是为什么呢? 太阳升起来时也有落下的时候.人出生时也有死亡的时候.很多人说命运在手中自己创造请问时人有多少个创造自自己的手是可以创造自己的未来.刚刚有个网友说:太阳升起来时也有人在死去, 为什么在句子中European前用a不用an 我最好的礼物是我妈妈给我的 用英语怎么讲急啊! There are also computers which are connected和which were conected 有什么区别? 古代印度种姓制度的内容和基本特征有哪些 ( )___animals are in danger and there will be____space for them if we don't take any actions.A.More and more,more and more B.Less and less,less and less C.More and more,less and less D.Less and less,more and more There won't be any elephants if we don't help them (同义词两种) (there will be about 20 of them)改为一般现在时 初三下学期第一次月考什么我们语文考九年级下册整本书,下周一就要考了 初三下学期月考范围3月20几左右就是初三下学期第一次月考了 老师也没说考的范围是多少 现在科学,语文和英语还在上新课 和社会是复习初一的 是不是要考初一到初三的全部知识点啊?就两 选择.Mr Green likes coffee___ milke.A.in B.with C.of D.for 英语翻译Under CERCLA,section 104(e)and clean air act,EPA has authortiy to conduct chemical accident investigations.It is important that facilities,SERCs,LEPCs,emergency responder and other review this information and take appropriate step to That is () Asian tiger 用a还是an 英语四级考了429,准备考6级?怎样准备呢?我还想考研,考研单词和六级单词那个更重要些? Grandfather often listens to the pop music.Grandfather often listens to pop music.Grandfather often listens to the pop music.Grandfather often listens to pop music.这两个句子中,是有加the对还是没加the 对,怎样判别的 英语翻译Japan Retreats With Release of Chinese Boat CaptainTOKYO — A diplomatic showdown between Japan and China that began two weeks ago with the arrest of the captain of a Chinese trawler near disputed islands ended Friday when Tokyo accepted 急求一篇无线视频监控技术与系统英文文献以及其中文翻译 _______(near)twenty children are swimming in the poor.