
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 09:40:39
触摸幸福用英文怎么说请问“触摸幸福”,用英文怎么说? hide的意思 The boy fell from the top of a ten-storeyed building,__________.died death dead deadly 如果有having been advertised呢 ​25.I'm calling to enquire about theposition in yesterday's China Daily.A.advertised B.to be advertisedC.advertising D.having advertised what he thinks of the trip.翻译 电流产生的磁场跟哪些因素有关 being an old man now 和having been an old man now 选择题选项( ),he prefers a quiet life.a.being an old man now b.having been an old man now为什么不能选b.是b选项本身有问题吗?还是什么? what he said convinced me that i was mistakesaid 是发生在 过去的过去 为什么 不用过去完成时 what he had said he had finally convinced several costumers of the strength of his product翻译 since you went away ,l think about you everyday His brother went away and has never been heard____.from ever since ,为什么不能用since thenA since then B from ever since C after that time D from then on 说A不和句意 the basis of the "controlled freedom" of modern dance today 翻译 自君别后 SINCE YOU WENT AWAY怎么样 水分子的质量是多少? 英语翻译Fire can help people in many ways.But it can also be very harmful.Fire can keep your house warm,give light and cook food.But fire can burn things,too.Big fire can burn trees,houses,animals or people.Nobody knows how people began to use fi 英语翻译在日本北海道流传着这样一个美丽的传说:北极冰神有一群长着天使翅膀的女儿,他们每年初春都会南下游到温暖的水域玩耍,但春天将尽,天气变暖的时候,他们必须回到北极,否则,他 抱歉的近义词 He___the students to enter for the competition.(courage)用动词适当形式填空 会的朋友帮下忙,定义max{a,b}=a(a大于等于b);b(a 先相信你自己,然后别人才会相信你 英语翻译 我爱你爱到可以放弃自己这句话的英文翻译 英语翻译帮个忙谢谢`` 从哪些方面能体现一个人的右脑发达? 请问右脑发达的儿童有哪些表现, School能表示大学吗?不考虑College或者university等 如果有一帮同学误会你了,然后,你去解释了他们还是不相信怎么办?反而误会越来越深怎么办? school有大学的意思么~ 是不是女性的右脑要比男性的右脑天生的发达? 如何不去在乎别人的看法?我以前可以做到不去理会别人对我的误解,我不去解释我觉得解释是多余的.如果不去解释或者辩解什么的别人就会真的一直一直误会你,然后都认为你这个人人品怎么 公元前三世纪,罗马帝国陷入了全面的危机,后分裂为( )和( ).476年,( )在日耳曼人的打击下灭亡 476年什么国家在日尔曼人的打击下灭亡