
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 18:52:17
how old is she?与 how old she is?有什么区别? I do not know how old she is,同义句,i 空格 空格 空格 how old she is i got from my favourite student a christmas card,___giftthe most welcomed a most welcomedwhy? My favourite pep小学英语是英音还是美音 牛津小学英语发英音还是美音 英语翻译 I hate people who fucks ambiguous I hate the hypocrisy of people 翻译下. I hate people.是主谓宾句式吗? 如何如何使用金山词霸2007版中译英!请告诉详细操作.. 金山词霸为什么不能汉译英我新下了金山词霸2006AND金山快译电2006(龙卷风)二合一免激活版,现在发现金山词霸却不能够汉英翻译,而软件里面存有汉英字典,这是为什么,是我设置错了还是没有 金山词霸2010牛津版,汉译英问题,今天刚安装完2010牛津版,用了12本字典.英译汉感觉还可以,但是汉译英里面没用什么词典,新牛津英汉双解大词典这个在汉译英里面基本没用.有明白的知道如何 i720内置的金山词霸可以汉译英吗?谁知道:) look at the lihgt求翻译在说下 look at 的应用 英语翻译 七年级英语补全对话我发现大声读书很有作用I find ______ helpful ________ aloud.为何不试一试?______ ________ have a try 太阳散发出光和热给地球The Sun ______ _______ light and heat to the earth.你们俩都受欢迎Yo 新概念英语第二册第二课语法,文中讲述的是Last sunday(上个星期天)的事情,为什么文中作者和他姑姑的对话用的是一般现在进行时?一般现在进行⑴表示现在,目前正在做某事,正在进行的动作! 新概念英语第二册的二十五课的时态是什么? 哪种英语词典好啊,有的词典的单词不全啊.汉译英,英译汉,都要说清哦, 谁帮我写一封关于my favourite film的文章啊~~我只要250个字就可以了~~多谢啊~~! My favourite film 200字作文要有头有结尾,蟹蟹昂. we may look at the world around us,but somehow we manageWe may look at the world around us,but somehow we manage not to see it until whatever we've become used to suddenly disappears.36 ,for example,the neatly-dressed woman I 37 to see —or look at We may look at the world around us,but somehow we manage not to see it until whatever it iswe've become accustomed to suddenly disappears.Sometimes I wonder:am I a familiar stranger to someone? we will let the world around us i hate people lying to me这句对不对 I hate people who like to call me up to ask about homework这句话有没有语病? THE MOST HATED PEOPLE LIE TO 需要英译汉或者汉译英翻译的,可以找我 英语翻译 I hate___when people talk with their mouths full哪个为什么 Ait B them 哪个为什么翻译下句子OK I hate it when people talk with their mouthe full是2004年哪个省的高考题