
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 15:22:28
英语翻译What,doyou,want,to,do?翻译 句子翻译 can man be free if woman is a slave it rained all the time变成否定句 Li Lei won the high jump.( 改为同义句) it was raining all the timeit rained all the time 有何区别 I like the high jump best .同义句::MyMy __is the high jump all the time,all day,day and night有什么区别有人说all the time=day and night 为什么day and night 不能等于all day呢? first什么意思 first中文意思. first啥意思 the q___of the service in that hotel is very poor The service in the hotel is very poor ,it's __ hotel that you can imagine.The service in the hotel is very poor ,it's __ hotel that you can imagineA.aworst B.the worst C.the worse D.a worse为什么选B 不是A?是不是因为 that you can imagine I don't like playing ______basketball.A.aB.theC.\ D.an I don't like playing basketball.的回答Q1.除了用I don't,either.还能用其他的么?比如Neither do I.Q2.能用Me either. I don't like playing basketball ,but I like playing c______ . I don't like playing basketball.的回答是Me ,too.还是I don't ,either. First是什么意思 first first.什么意思?谢 Which cicy is the capital of the UK?( ) A.Washing DC B.London c.New York The capital city of England _______ London is a beautiful city.A.called B.is C.call D.is call What's the meaning of the sentence?“I have always thought that as long as I work on the line”and help me comprehend the meaning of in the line,thanks. what don't I have that Sasuke does? 薛,下面一个木念什么字啊 What ( )does Peter have to do today?选择A some B eles C other 薛字下面加一个子字念什么? what does peter do he's good at fixing thingshe can speak good germanhe does the washing-up after supperhe's a language techer 上面一个《薛》字下面一个《足》字的那个汉字念什么? 上面一个薛字下面加个木子字念什么分什么力强 “薛”字共有几划? come up to me 只要中文 is new york the capital of america?