
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 23:37:45
如果生命只剩下一分钟,你会怎么办? 如果你的生命只有几个月了,你会怎么过?如题、 地球如果很大会有生命吗? 哲学是对人们实践活动的总结.这句话对吗? 有关高二哲学的 帮我总结一下所有的原理 越细越好 已知双曲线x^2/25-y^2/9=1的左右焦点分别为F1F2,若双曲线的左支上有一点M到右焦点F2的距离为18,N是MF2的中点,O为坐标原点,则NO的长度等于A.2/3 B.1 C.2 D.4 过双曲线x^2/a^2-y^2/b^2=1 (a>0,b>0)上的点P向x轴作垂线恰好通过双曲线的左焦点F1,双曲线的虚轴端点B与右焦点F2的连线平行于P0,(1)求双曲线的离心率(2)若直线BF2与双曲线交于M,N两点,且 F1、F2是双曲线的左、右焦点,P是双曲线上一点,且∠F1PF2=60°,S△PF1F2=12√3,离心率为2,求此双曲线方程 已知△PQR是正三角形,P为定点(1,0),Q,R关于X轴对称,且都在直线X=1的右侧,若Q,R均在双曲线X^2-ay^2=1,则实数a的取值范围是? ....由双曲线x^2/9-y^2/4=1上的一点P与左右两焦点F1,F2构成△PF1F2,1.求△PF1的内切圆与x正半轴的切点N的坐标2.已知/PF1/*/PF2/=32,求角F1PF2的大小 我的生命怎么过 假如生命只给你半年你会怎么过 --生命应该是什么样子的呢? "王"字的笔顺? 玉 字笔画顺序请问第四笔是”点” 还是”横” 玉的笔顺的详细顺序 表示事情要亲身经历才体会到它的含义的 句子或者 成语 或者 诗文! 1.He got up late and (not have )breakfast this morning.2.we (stop)talking when our teacher camein.3.the little girl (cry ) after her mother left.4.()you()what he said ten ninutes ago?(hear)用所给词的适当形式填空.另第一句的同意句能 中国汉字的字体经历了哪两次重大变革?各自意义如何?演变的基本规律是什么?经历了哪些阶段? the,to,computer,the,screen,first,connect(.)(连词成句) He got up late this morning.He had a_____(quickly) breakfast 英语翻译把这句话翻译成英文,当你微笑的时候(你)是最美丽的.可不可以把”当你微笑的时候“这句话放在句首写给我? The keyboard ()(connect)properly to the computer and it worked quite well 动词填空. 英语 连词成句 can,use,who,computer,怎么连词成句 教下! Tim had nothing for breakfast,did he?--(.),he often had nothing for breakfast.是填yes还是no? 但是对于那些贫穷的孩子来说实现梦想就是一件不现实的事情翻译成英语 The Hope Project has made more contributions to rural elementary and middle education.Through the Hope Project more money has been raised to build elementary school and middle school and the entrance problems have been solved for large quantity of mo 英语翻译Black bears can live as long as thirty years in the wild,and even longer in game preserves set aside for them. 英语翻译games,as the ultimate form of mental and physical relief ,are important to both children and adults.the prime reason why they are so important is because both adults and children learn how to behave,control and follow the rules from the g Project Hope aims at helping the poor children in remote areas to _____ education. 像晏子那样维护国家的尊严的人还有哪些 晏婴保护了自己 也保全了国家的尊严靠的是什么 《晏子使楚》里的不要是参考书上的答案,要自己的理解急