
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 07:07:42
过多的玩电脑游戏会妨碍你们的学习和身体健康.用英语翻译 9乘以任何数 你能用 口算 10秒速算我要的是100w位数 都可以口算的公式结果=10X-X 这个算不了 一百以内乘除法口算速算怎么算? 三年级上口算多位数乘法题目 乘法和除法的口算速算方法,回答越详细越好, 甲乙丙丁 四个数字 甲乙的平均数是97 丙丁的平均数是95 乙丙的和是193 求甲 英语翻译为什么不是free time 求数学快速计算(乘法除法)的方法,最好是能够心算的想要加快一些复杂计算的速度. 英语翻译1Put these sentences in the right order.Check your order with Chapter 52He didn't tell the police about the accident becsuse he was afraid3when the police found the burned car,they thought Jack Rosso was dead.4when Jack was driving his ca 1.玩电脑游戏很有趣用英语怎么说?2.爸爸和儿子有一些共同的东西.1_____very interesting ____ _____ computer games.2.The father and the son have some things ____ ____. 怎样快速的口算个位数是5的乘法运算即个位数是5 譬如25*15; 85*105等等 如果a△b=(b-a)除以(axb),那么1△2+2△3+3△4+.+2004△2005=? 英语翻译Don't take guilt trips.Take a trip to the mall,even to the next county; to a foreign country but NOT to where the guilt is. 英语翻译1、lose weight2、go away3、too much 3乘4X加6X等于1080.方程 7.24除以1.5得几? 用2.组成的三位数乘法算式中,乘积最大的算式是什么? 用0.组成三位数乘二位数的乘法算式.积约等于18000 英语翻译How will you do to make it come trne? 英语翻译most insulating materials rely on tiny pockets of trapped air for their effect.这是物理热学中的句子,小弟实在翻译不出来了, 英语翻译做题时候发现的.翻译的我也不太清楚In the second quarter,the Team One coach pulled out what must have been his first team and put in the scrubs(替补队员),except his best player who now guarded the goal(球门;进球得 英语翻译But intense opposition from conservatives has tied up the bill in the House of Representatives. 英语翻译原话是:知识积累比知识创新更重要. Wow,it is rather hot today.--Yes,____yesterday.A:so it is B:so it was C:so is it D:so was it 选哪 翻译Yesterday is a teather of today. it s terribly cold today isn t it YES ( ) yesterday A so it was B so was it C so is it D so it iit s terribly cold today isn t it YES ( ) yesterday A so it was B so was it C so is it D so it is这里求各个选项详细解释下 Yesterday is a history tomorrow is a mystery today is a wonderful gift so cherish todag. 3.6x=14.4是方程吗 英语翻译The New Year Festival finishes at lantern Festival after two weeks.We usually eat a kind of rice dumpling called yuanxiao.They are round and so they bring us good luck all the year round. 怎样速算个位数是5的两个相同的多位数相乘 我想买数学几位数相乘的速算法怎么买到 清新水果店新近一批水果,总数在1000个以内,在补充说明里.如果每24个装一箱,最后一箱差2个:如果每28个装一箱,最后一箱还差2个;如果每32个装一箱,最好一箱只有30个.这批水果共有多少个?