
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 01:49:11
He suddenly -----ill,which made his mother very worried.为何用fell ( )teacher is Mr Hall. Riddle!What letter is a kind of insect?(翻译,回答) 求寒假的英语新闻摘要只要是英语电台或者电视节目的新闻摘要,要英语的!要近期····寒假发生的最好~越多越好啊~ 暑假里的新闻摘要 至少15条 于2010年暑假回国期间 用英语怎么说? I was worried i would( ) a mistake I was rather worried 这句话有错么 ___computer games,he was very worried 答案是 addicted to 是用非谓的被动么?还是addicted作形容词? green riddle 是什么牌子啊!我的脸在过敏,可是我上网一查脱敏祛红全是green riddle名字请问这个是什么牌子?效果好么?有用过的么? he get her mother (to )wash his clothes 括号要否 He was made _____ his own clothes Awash B.to washing C.to wash D.washing Let the litte boy wash his clothes by ______(he) 美国订的回国机票: To Beijing Capital (PEK) 02:20pm - Apr 30, Wed 这时间是指美国时间还是当地时间? worry变worried之类的名词变形容词有哪些?越快越好, The heart is an important organ of circulation _ function is to pump blood to all parts of the bodyThe heart is an important organ of circulation _________ function is to pump blood to all parts of the body.A) which B) whose C) of it D) its选哪个? English is an important b[ ]to the world.括号里填b开头的单词 Your task is----- ------ cleaning the classroom bofore school is over.You should finish cleaning the classroom before school is over. your school is work is the most i———— thing 首字母填空 Is your classmate ____(clean) the classroom after school? He is a man to be___?A dependeg B believed C depended on D believed on各位选哪个呀? 英语翻译 I just wish you joy and happiness ,that's all 跪求翻译、、、 YY china公会宝哥到底是不是一人 how to be a real man... 我们生活中有快乐、也有悲伤;有时坚强、有时脆弱.但无论如何我们应该坚强、勇敢、做一个笑对生活的、快乐的和有用的人.以“How to be a stong man”为题写一篇50—70字的英语作文.提示词语 How to be a man standing?我本来性格内向,不太会说话,同学欺负我时总是无力抵抗,只能忍气吞声! how to be a balanced man?when you win,you won't be overjoyed.when you lose,you won't be disappointed.always smile at everything? How to be a double-hcanted man? HELP!(第1题错了吗?如果错了,正确的是什么?) 我听别人说YY皇族解散了?是真的么 而且还是被China打散的 这是真的么?