
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 19:09:35
有56朵花.(1)至少再买几朵花,刚好平均每束5朵?(2)要使平均每束3朵,至少要拿走几朵?(算式) 有56朵花,要使平均每束3朵,至少要拿走几朵 Can you imagine what differently we had __(reach) home in the storm. 有56朵花,至少每束三朵,平均分成几束,共有几种分法? 多给我举一些例子, 如何背gre单词介绍我种 有速度有效地背单词法 Kate said that ____________. 怎样快速记忆GRE单词? 如何快速有效的背诵GRE单词呢? 蓝玖瑰代表什么意思?人家说红玖瑰代表爱情,黄玖瑰代表友情,白玖瑰代表亲情,那蓝玖瑰代表什么~?谁能告诉我`? 白玖瑰代表什么意思? Nina went to school _____she did not feel very well tody. 动漫《我们仍未知道那天所看见的花的名字》结局是什么意思?仁太还手帕给鸣子然后蹦出两个莫名其妙的人是什么意思? 没看明白.我问的是,仁太和鸣子最后递头帕的镜头,蹦出的那两人是谁? 《我们仍未知道那天所看见的花的名字》题目的意思“那朵花”究竟是指什么? 世界上每种花的名字分别是什么? 日晷是利用太阳光的影子来计时的. 日晷的指针在阳光下形成影子属于光的什么现象? Kate said that she didn't feel very _ today.A.well B.good C.nice D.better 英语翻译 如何高效快速背诵新GRE词汇 Her mother was out.She stayed at home ___,but she didn't feel ____.A alone lonelyB lonely aloneC alone aloneD lonely lonely she___at home until her mother came backA.has stayed B.stayed C.had stayed D.will stay为什么? ( )the end of next month they will have finished the work.请写出原因 Sorry,I have been used to the things which I'm not supposed to.求译!我不是你的唯一,为此很难过!求中译英! She will have to go round the world翻译汉语 这个英语句子怎么翻译?she does not have the software program.have 在这里怎么译? I am so glad that you have succeed.that 后从句是什么从句 I am so sorry that i missed to bring yourbooks.that 后是什么从句? they may find that eveything is different from the way things were at school.things后面是不是可以加个they ?怎么感觉不加they 读起来不通顺.帮我分析分析这句话.如果是同位语,去掉were也对啊 They mean different things.对different things 提问 They mean different She was educated at Beijing University,____ she went on to have her advanced study abroad.A.after which B.from which C.from that D.after that能否当作时间状语从"自那以后 She was educated at Beijing University,____ she went on to have her advanced study abroad.A.after which B.from which C.from that D.after that 为什么选选A而不选B都表现出自那以后.