
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 15:59:57
描写人物的句子 最能够代表春天的花是什么花?我知道夏莲,秋菊,冬梅,那春天什么能代表? 花草为什么朝窗户方向开的茂盛,而且,花草总是长到窗户外面啊 英语翻译rt 很难有挑战性有机化合物由碳、氢两种元素组成,其中含碳质量分数为85.7%1、求该有机物的实验式.(实验式为原子个数的最简比)2、另测得标准状况下,11.2L该化合物的质量为21g,求该化合物的 一个有挑战性的问题(个人认为)..希望各位对化学有兴趣的同志一起研究下这个问题我在网络都找了好久了...都是一直找不到答案..可是 有人说 加入盐酸和氢氟酸可以把燃烧后纸的无机盐减 纯净的Ca(HCO3)2试样在高温下分解,当剩余的固体物质质量为原试样质量的一半时,Ca(HCO3)2的分解率是 ( )A.50% B.75% C.92.7% D.100% 英语 英语 (13 19:4:12)There were some cakes ,after I had one,I had a(   )  They had a party "in Jim's grandparents' house" last Sunday.(对引号部分提问) They had a party in Jim's grandparent's house "last Sunday".(对引号部分提问) They had fun at the party last sunday的同义句They___ ____ ___ ____ at the party last sunday They had an English party last Sunday同义句 They had a party last year.(就 twice a month 提问) 描写玫瑰外貌的句子 描写玫瑰的样子的句子.急不要作用 求 中国十二生肖 的英文说法特别是 牛年 是不是 the Chinese ox year 求十二生肖的英文说法要正规的英文说法谢您 这里“when they come ”做句子的什么成分Each day is a holiday ,and ordinary holidays when they come are grudged as enforced interruptions in an absorbing vocation. 十二生肖的英文分别怎么写?要按照顺序哦 = = When do they come home? Do you know fish come of eggs when they are when did they go是什么意思求求哥哥姐姐们啦,我真的是走投无路了啊 求,此花儿叫啥名?最近北京大街上都是这个花儿,很漂亮,求名. 这花儿叫啥名买来名却忘了,求教达人 They had a good time last Sunday.改为一般疑问句 Last Sunday,they had a good time onlineLast Sunday,they had a good time (chat)onlineHis story made me feel (bore.)All the (visit)are interested in the old things in the museum.Which bag has (little)rice,the first,th they had a good time last sunday 改为感叹句 They had a good time last SundayThey had a good time last Sunday (改为同义句) 这个花叫什么名 这是什么花?求花名.这是什么花? 这花叫什么名字 请问这花叫什么名字