
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:46:13
父系氏族和母系氏族的具体区别是什么? 简述母系氏族公社与父系氏族公社的主要区别是什么? There will be many Newtons in this country.这句意思是 在这个国家将会有许多位像牛顿一样的人.也就是==There will be many scientists as great as Newton in this country.我想问 前面为什么要加be 为什么不直接说will 『急需』父系氏族和母系氏族的相同点和不同点 用形容词的适当形式填空 In this country it's very ------(cold)in November,and it's much(接上)-----(cold) in December. 这个人城府深么看起来很平常,但根本想不到他想什么,他很会处理人际关系,和大家都友好,大家也都很尊敬他,貌似很会忍耐,表面上看起来心胸宽广,有的时候明明他不守约,但他说一席话之后 in love and in 'i don`t love her,and she hate me'我不喜欢她,和她恨我.英文解释是不是这样 love and hate in Jamestown中文叫什么 The clouds over the city are different from_in the country,A,these Bthose中文?选择、为什么? 母系氏族社会和父系氏族社会的特点 Mun often asks me a___ my study.She made a lot of m____ in the past English test. 成长的烦恼里的:I figured she'd never make it past the pate.这句是什么意思past the pate 是个短语? 城府是什么意思? 城府的意思 piece歌词 【If you believe it's in my soul】 --- --I'd say all the words that I know】 --- -Just to【If you believe it's in my soul】--- --I'd say all the words that I know】--- -Just to see if it would show】--- -- But I tried to let you kn 英语It__that there will be a storm this afternoon.A英语It__that there will be a storm this afternoon.A.seemed B.appears C.is D.may 她的名字 英文 城府什么意思 I love you ,Do not know if you can do for you,Thanks I know i just treat May I ask you_____questions? 北大的博雅塔作用是什么 针对外国人分不清楚汉语中“穿”和“戴”的用法,我想写篇八千字的论文,分析其用法区别帮我理一下思路,从哪些方面入手,可以参考哪些文献,能不能写够八千字? 时间就是性命用英语怎么说 真搞不懂汉语元音与泰语元音有哪些不同点 ,泰语元音怎么发? This is a "No parking"area.Cars aren't allowed in this_____ A.district B.surrounding但DISTRICT不是指一个区域吗,但禁止停车的地方一般是小地点啊,surrounding指周围的环境,为什么不可以呢? This is a "no parking"aera.cars are not allowed in this------.this is a "no parking"aera.cars are not allowed in this------.a.district b.country c.surrounding d.kingdom..请问高手该选哪个 作文People living alone on purpose and people who have to live alone 要求120词左右如题 回答追加200分 Long long ago,there l___ a man in the town.(首字母填空) 请不要来打扰我们的生活 英文怎么说 英文:不再忍心打扰你平静的生活