
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 19:39:29
except for与apart from分别的用法是什么? 请问do sb a favor与give sb a hand用法有什么区别? It seemed that he was hanppy that引导什么从句? He was surprised that his answeHe was surprised that his answer should have caused such a strong _(react) Her job is _ (使餐厅保持尽可能干净) What worries me most is _ (每天晚上她都要工作到很晚) He was sure that he______his wallet in the office 这里的that 是什么成分,这是个什么从句 besides和apart from和except的区别 we hope it will be ____(sun)tomorrow for our picnic.中文,原因 for the sake of和on account of区别for the sake of(为了..)和on account of(因为..)区别 because和as和because of和for什么区别` apart from ,besides到底有什么区别? except,besides,apart from的区别知道他们的基本的区别,但下面一道题何解,请详解 --Can you tell us something about your partner?--Sorry.I know nothing about him ____ his name.He tends to stay alone and hardly talks to anyone.A.exce I hope people can do exercises as much as possible.这句话可有错误? besides 的同义词组 apart from 等于besides It's hoped that as many people as possible____join the volunteers in looking after the aged.A.should B.can 为什么选b,为什么吧是should加动词结构? aside from;besides;except;apart from;;exceptfor;aside;but的区别与相同之处(详细) Lucy____(want)____(come) to my house,but she did not come Besides,except,aside from,and apart from 的区别及用法意思都知道 但总是不清楚这几个词的具体用法上的区别 似乎都一样 可以混用?请给例句说明指教 _did she go to see her father ._did she want her father to come.A.Either ,or B.Not,only C.No sooner ,than D.Neither ,nor except ,except for ,apart from,besides四个词的区别,最好用例句来讲解! out of concern什么意思rt keep sb.out of 那么put sb.out of呢? have no concern for sb这个短语是 对某人不关心 的意思吗 为啥查不到呢? I hope it will be____(sun)tomorrow. i hope it ___(sun) tomorrow是不是will be sunny I hope tomorrow will be sunny,because we want to go for a picnic. _________.The weather broadcast asys it will rain.A.I hope so B.I am afraid so C.I hope not D.I am afraid not 什么叫生态重建, 人类为什么要改造自然 什么是自然再造纸制品?举些例子 自然为什么选择人类改造自然1过冬需要保暖,人要在不同的地理位置生存就必需改造自然.2从过冬需要保暖,我感觉人类起源地应该是赤道附近3由人的皮肤特点,和赤道的温度特点,我感觉人类 ——important it is to learn English well!A.what B.So C.How D.What an 高中英语单词录音,更读出单词,字母,意思的 急!