
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 07:07:07
八年级上的英语根据首字母填空Willian Shakespeare was one of the world's great (w ).He (l )in England (f )1564 to 1616.He married a woman (c ) Anne in 1582.They had three (c ) Shakespeare is famous (f )jis plays and poems.His plays are ab 八上英语根据首字母填空 八上英语词首字母填空I'm going to learn to p______ an instrument 八年级英语首字母填空People love flowers for their beauty and p( ) smells.They use floewrs to d( ) all kinds of places.They also use flowers to express their f( ).For e( ),many young people wear carnations on Mother's Day as a sign of love a 八年级英语根据首字母填空1、There are more and more people on the e( )2、I thought I failed the test,f( ) I passed it 首字母填空I often go online after work.The l____ makes it easy to find any I want. 八上英语根据首字母填空 英语一首字母填空The invitation will tell you how to reply and if the reply is e______ before a certain date. 八年级英语填空2题在水果中,我最喜欢吃香蕉,还有葡萄.Among the fruits,I like eating bananas _____________grapes.我对你们的行为深表遗憾.I ____ very ____________what you did.这是新标准Module 第一题可以填all tog 求25题八年级英语选词填空的题目,要少一点的,填10个空要的是短文 -where_____you____(be)?-I_____(be) to the library-what do you tink of my answer to the questions-sorry.what's that?I_______ about something elseA.thought B.had thought C.am thinking D.was thinking昨天我拜访了他的爷爷I___ ____ interview ____ 三道英语填空1.The tall boy likes sitting at the b_______of the classroom.2.What's the c_________of the USA?3.There are a lot of f_______buildings in Beijing.(是初一下册五六单元试卷的题目) 3道英语填空1.people in china and Korea b________ differently at the dinner table.2.如果你开会迟到了,你的老板可能会生气If you ____ _____ ____ ____,your boss may ____ ____.3你每喝一口饮料都应该用纸巾擦干净嘴巴you ····3道英语填空,急,1.I am afraid this pair of sports shoes_____(not belong)to you.2.Music,as well as other entertainments,___(play)an important part in our life.3.The meeting that___(hold)now is of great importance. 三道英语填空,1.She isn't a teacher,but a doctor _____.2.He's written a book _____ name I have completely forgotten.3.This is the town in _____ I was born.可填单词或短语最好写出理由, 3道选择英语填空选择适当的词填空1、We _________(taste,tasted)some fruit in my uncle's home last Monday afternoon.2、I like ________(watching,watch)TV.3、I'd like ________(watch,to watch)up for me,please? 3道英语综合填空~急用1.The Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said this d______ his visit to a milk farm.2.Try to eat healthy food as much as p______.3.Have healthy eating habits,and you will have a s_____ body . 不想读书干什么好?16岁.如果读技校学什么好? 我英语四级作文一般水平,听力错五个,快速阅读错三个选择,选词填空错两个,阅读选择错五个,完形错两个补充句子错一个,能考多少分啊? 英语短文填空,I have a dog ( ) name is Kitty,He is ( ) funny.He has black fur and ( ) big paws.He looks very ( ) ,but not nice because his tail is ( ) short.Kitty likes to catch mice ( )a cat .But he doesn't ( ) them.He ( ) flowers very much.Kit "我听说很多外国人想学汉语.”这句话怎么翻译成英文是什么? 他向我学汉语,我向他学英语用英语怎么翻译 英语翻译"学汉语,你需要个计划" 里面要突出计划, 求一篇关于“外国人学汉语的人数越来越多”的120-180字的英语作文 越来越多的外国人学汉语英语作文 学汉语的外国人越来越多.04年全球学习汉语的外国人约两千五百万,到2009学汉语的外国人越来越多.04年全球学习汉语的外国人约两千五百万,到2009年超过四 求英语作文!要关于如何学汉语的! 求一篇老外来华学汉语的英语作文你的笔友Denis想来中国学汉语1收到邮件的心情如何2对他来中国学习汉语有什么建议3你能够提供的帮助 英语作文 我们怎样学汉语 为什么中国人要学英语,让外国人学中文多好 现在为什么小学都要学英语,为什么外国人不学汉语呢? 中国人为什么要学英语?外国人都在学中文了! 中国人为什么要学英语,外国人学汉语吗?