
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 12:44:39
某自来水公司按如下标准收取水费:若每户每月用自来水不超过5立方米,则每立方米收费2.5元;若每户用水超过5立方米,则超过部分每立方米收费3元.小张家某月的水费不少于14元,那么小张这 某市自来水公司按如下标准收取水费某市自来水公司按如下标准收费,若每户每月用水不超过5m³按每立方米1.5元收费;超过5m³部分,每立方米收费2元.小明家每月的水费不少于15元,那么 自来水公司乱收水费应该找谁投诉我以前是小区管理处收的水费,一直办的是银行划扣,所以也没怎么在意,后来收到通知,才知道原来换回自来水公司自己收了.一看吓一跳,水表191方的水,人家给 来自自来水公司的水费计算如下某自来水公司水费计算办法如下:每户每月用水不超过5吨的,每吨收费0.85元;超过5吨的,超出部分每吨收取较高的的定额费用.已知今年7月份张家用水量与李 a1=1 点(an,an+1)在函数Y=3x+2上.证明数列an+1是等比数列,求数列an的前N项的和 已知a1=2点(an,an+1)在函数f(x)=x2+2x的图像上,其中n=1,2,3...(1)证明数列{lg(1+an)}是等比数列 自来水公司为鼓励用户节约用水,按以下规定收取水费:不超过40吨的部分每吨1元;超过40吨的部分每吨1.5元;另:每吨用水加收0.2元的城市污水处理费.问:(1)某用户1月份共交水费65元,一月 求《我的家乡》80字的英语作文~个位帅哥美女, 一直点(an,an+1)在函数y=x²+2x的图像上,其中n=1,2,3.证明数列lg(1+an)是等比数列是 已知 我的家乡英语作文80字 (牡丹江) 速度进80字就可以,不用太复杂. 英语翻译Do you want to be healthier?Then go through the passage and you may find it’s easy to keep fit.Eat all kinds of foods,especially fruit and vegetables.You may have a favorite kind of food,but the best choice is to eat as many kinds as po 英语翻译He had put a few clothes and his lecture notes in his shoulder bag,but he had put Rupert,the skeleton (人体骨骼) to be used in his lecture,in a large brown suitcase (箱子).【At the airport desk,he suddenly thought that he had forgo 英语翻译Thank you for writing and introducing your beautifulcity to me.Now I’d like to tell you something about my hometown Linjiang.This city stands on the bank of the Changjiang River.It is a beautiful city for people to live in.Its economy h 英语翻译(1)Some people will do just about anything to save money.And I am one of them.Take my family’s last vacation.It was my six-year-old son’s winter break from school,and we were heading home from Fort Lauderdale after a weeklong trip 关于等差,等比数列解题过程问题1:在等差中,a3+a4+a5+a6+a7=450,求a2+a8问题2:等比数列a5=5 a10=160 求a8大家来帮帮忙吧,最好详细点~谢了2L,一定要讲详细点a10-a5怎会边成5da8=a5+3d? 求这道高中等差等比数列题的解题过程?等差数列(an)中,a4=10,且a3,a6,a10成等比数列,求数列(an)前项的和Sn? 英语翻译Join Us for a Day at Sun Valley Amusement Park(题目)Children aged 10 to 14 are invited to take part in the “Event of the Summer” at Sun Valley Amusement Park,the most popular amusement park on the East Coast.Sun Valley has more 好词好句好段,要书名的 最后一头战象 小练笔 300字快呀,我马上要交.谢谢你们了. 最后一头战象的小练笔300字快啊,限期11月30日17点之前交 英语翻译Two women on a train were arguing.At last one of them called the conductor.She said,“If this window is open,I will catch a cold.And I may die.” The other woman said,“But if this window is shut,I’ll feel difficult in breathing.I’ 一小段英语短文的翻译---高手进2--在线等Although there are certainly times when calling it quits it the right thing to do, in most cases all that is needed is commitment and communicable. When we are communed to something, it means that 英语翻译Self reflection means stopping the mad rush of activity and calming yourself and your mind so your brain can evaluate(评价)the input it has already received.Some people prefer to dotheir self reflections mentally,while others keep a 《丑小鸭》生词的拼音如:丑陋( )木屐( )等等的还有呢 小学三年级课文描写丑小鸭的词语是什么 《丑小鸭与我》600字作文 丑小鸭与我的600字作文要500字到600字速度 字数不够的全多滚蛋! 最后一头战象小练笔200字快 3公顷=( )平方米 23 最后一头战象(小练笔)200字快,5分钟之内回答出来.嘎羧告别村寨的场面,驻立江滩回想往事的情景,都十分感人.选择其中一个场景,想象嘎羧内心的感受,并写下来. 3.04公顷=()公顷()平方米 一项工程,甲乙合作六天可完成乙丙合作十天完成现在先由甲乙丙合作3天后余下的乙做6天完成.乙独坐须几天最好是要有解题思路,算是,