
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 04:36:48
英语翻译 英语句子解析the chances that we'll gain doubled efficiency with less time wasted are very good.the chances that we'll gain doubled efficiency with less time wasted are very good.doubled不是动词吗?放在这里是什么结构啊?还有wasted 和我通话的英文怎么说 和我通话的英文是什么 while david loves his daughter,he is strict with 中国古代大肆修建亭台楼榭,其功能是什么? 亭台楼榭分别指什么? 亭台楼榭的谢是什么意思?帮帮忙了! 名叫亭台楼榭 亭台楼榭名叫 桑塔纳3000玻璃无法升降 you can not wear fur or leather clothes的同义句是什么 Everyone must ( ) the classroom ( ). A.keep; to cEveryone must ( ) the classroom ( ).A.keep; to clean B.keeps; to clean C.keeps; clean D.keep; clean The classroom musta,clean b,be cleaned c,to clean d cleaning急, 请问贝多芬最伟大的三部钢琴独奏作品是什么(不仅局限于奏鸣曲,还有其他作品,如变奏曲等)注意,是贝多芬的钢琴独奏作品,不算交响乐和协奏曲等其它体裁的作品,并且我说的伟大并不单 it's been是什么时态, we shouldn't wear fur or leatherb clothes什么意思 英语中had 和 had been 的用法?He told us about how, twenty years before, his dad had died. He told us how his Dad had been rippe apart by the Devil.这段话中的his Dad had died;和 his Dad had been rippe,为什么前面一句是had,后面 英语,has been和 had been He speaks English much better than i .这句话的意思是什么? he speaks english very( ) 亭、台、楼、阁、榭的不同从建筑的角度上说啊,不要说文学的. 台榭什么意思,简单明了 物榭歌台…风吹去的意思是什么 亭台楼榭的台是什么 笨蛋能不能让我做你最爱的女人?用英文怎么写 what should we eat in thanks given day?答案约一分钟长.谢谢. 轩榭什么意思 英语翻译我国企业或有事项会计问题研究 根据句意或首字母填词.I buy this book in a____.填about对吗? 用4根木条订成一个底是15厘米,高8厘米的平行四边形,把他拉成一个长方形,面积增加30CM2 There are two boys of Tom there哪一部分是定语是代词作定语还是名词所有格作定语Tom there作什么成分