
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 18:54:21
Don't play football at home,Lily.( ) ,Dad.A I will.B I won't 如果男生说算了算了随便你他是什么意思,是说就这么决定了还是什么意思 女生说懒得理你,随便你怎么想了. Where is your father He is___ a visit to Beijing. 这是一道题:where is your father?A.He is at home.B.He is sleeping,C.He is fine. Where is your father?He ___(fly) to Hainan. university和college的区别? 英文College 和 University 是一样的意思嘛?最好俩个都解释下. 英语解释大学教育的目的是什么 英语翻译强调讨厌吵闹,喜欢安静 他说随便你怎么想吧是什么意思我喜欢一个男生 我们不经常见面 我有时候会给他发短信 那天我给他发短信 刚开始还挺好的他让我早点睡 后来我就问他是不是烦我 他说随便你怎么想吧 我不 Where is your mother?She _______ (go) to Hong Kong Where is your mum?she (visit) Hong Kong. where is your mother?she____(listen)to muice in the room. 地球上正午日影始终向北的地带是 呵呵 一说什么就 呵呵 呵呵 是代表无奈的笑 还是厌烦的笑 女生用呵呵和男生用呵呵 区别在哪 随便 有女孩子老对我说随便你,就是随便, 求国外结婚时祖父说的那段英文对白.就是神父说的那些话,什么不论生老病死啊什么的都不离开,直到死神把你们分开什么的, “随便你怎么高兴怎么想” 女孩子说“随便你怎么想”是什么意思? 英语翻译中式婚礼程序Chinese traditional marriage ceremony中国婚礼风俗礼仪 1.食汤圆:新郎在结婚出发前,要与父母兄弟及闺中女友一起吃汤圆,表示离别,母亲喂女儿汤圆,新娘哭.2.讨喜:新郎与女 谁能用英语介绍一下中式婚礼和西式婚礼~ 求人教版九年级上册单词听力mp3 发到 kaye527@163.com 改错 they had a meal ,they went out of a waik and then came back to sleep 急 I had had lunch before they invited before they invited me for meal. It took me a long time before I was able to fully appreciate what they __ for me.A.had doneB.didC.would doD.were doing寻详解 The boy can (play football) The boy can play football now.———the boy play football now. 求八个字的口号本人白酒厂家~求八个字代表企业文化的字要顺口~ did the boy play football when school was over?(保持句意) did the boy play football____ _____? 八个字的爱国口号要押韵的, Tom asked his father ,''when will you come back?''改为间接引语