
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 18:43:16
连词成句,用单词补全对话,me,really,tast,is,difficult,this,forwhat month do have next games you morning,in you,go,school,when,do,to,the jim,jill,are,your,old friends,how and hello,peter!_____ are you?i'm in a cake shop.a cake shop?do you wan 用所给词补全对话(初中英语题)所给词:wears black curly beard medium blonde hairA:Do you know Carlos?He is ____ build.B:Yes,I know him.He has long black _____.A:What does jackie Chan look like Does he have _____ hair?B:No,he has st ,补全单词My classmates and l always l____ our textbooks in the classroom ,because we don't want to read them at home .What's your new pocket r_____ like?l've got a nice bag with some beautiful o____ on it . 初中英语, (要求 补全对话,没空一词) . 根据对话情景,补全所缺的单词LI TAO:Excuse me,Gao Shan.____ is this yellow cat Is it yours?Gao Shan:Let me____.Oh,no,it's not____.____cat is browen.Lin Tao:Li lLei,look____the cat under my desk.Is it____?Li Lei:____,it's not____.My cat's b how do you think of this movie?It is () amazing movie,i want to see it ()second time.用 a an the I think the American film Superman is ___twice or three times.A.worth being seenB.worth watchingC.sure to see D.worth seeing到底选哪个?为什么A是错的? What do you think of the film?Well,at least it's the one I saw last time with Mary.A.as bad as B.bot as good asC.no worse than D.not better than 选择:It is time( ) the movieA to B for C of 这个字是什么,怎么读? 请问这个字读什么,是何意思:吅 求一个英文名,我的中文名字是初升的太阳的意思,希望答案比较上口,比较特别一些 英语翻译It diverged from the stiff,profile portraits that had been the norm by displaying the subject in a relaxed,natural,three-quarter pose.three-quater pose是什么? 英文名Racquelle的汉语意思狠喜欢这个名字、却不知道中文意思. 希望各位哥哥姐姐可以帮帮我、谢谢. 意大利四月份的天气怎么样 意大利现在的天气怎么样? 意大利一年的天气怎么样 (冉)这个字怎样读什么意思 5个英语基本句型造句.每个造3个要尽量高级一点的句子.1.主+系动词+表语2.主+不及物动词3.主+及物动词+宾4.主+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语5.主+及物动词+宾+宾语补足语 1.You can play basketball on s___courts.横线处应该是什么单词?2.What?bllks does he like?A,othersB.anotherC.otherD.the others此题应该选什么?请把讲解写上谢不好意思打错了What?books does he like? 英语练习 that作为关系代词的用法,什么时候只能用,什么时候不能用高中定语从句 这句能不能用that,关系代词?The poem which he wrote to me that 也可以指物啊? 英语作文 (快一点,谢谢!)假如你的名字叫Li Ping.今天在网上看到下面这则征笔友的帖子,请根据帖子内容写一封80词左右的回答.要求:1、表达交友愿望;2、陈述交友理由;3、提供个人信息. 这一英语作文,尽快,马上~ 一. 根据对话完成作文 Alan’s Opinions about some TV shows 第一句:Alan is asked to join.”weekend tatk”show.he is 年龄…… 提示:他爱的/不爱的节目写原因(有的直接写,没有的编) Hostrich:Welcome to 9 o 求英语习题的讲解.The state __ oil or water is commonly in is a liquid stare.A.that B.which C.in which D.what我觉得用that,但答案为什么用B呢? 防紫外线的用品有哪些? 我们周围的防紫外线的用品并评价其功能 防紫外线用品的功能可信吗? 有没有好的‘英语日常生活语句’之类的书,希望在国外可以用上!英语生活常用语句 “中国的风景欣赏完了,下面请外国朋友介绍一下他们城市的风景”这句话用英文怎么说