
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/09 06:27:15
关于触电的一些问题.我讲一个例子:一个人坐在凳子上(那种有点高的塑料凳),然后双脚放在凳子下面的塑料杠上,在换排插(排插接电),转螺丝(普通家用螺丝刀),然后把电线拔出来的 ( )he will come to the meeting or not is not clear怎么填 There is no()who will attend the meetingknowto knowknownknowing 我不在乎 英文 为什么有人会触电有人不会同一台机器同一个地方 我会感到触电 而另外两个人不会触电啊 这是为什么啊 什么情况下不会出触电?人们如何防止触电? 什么情况不会触电我说的电线是220V的电线 Last Saturday, Tony went to see Benny.Last Saturday,Tony went to see Benny.But he didn't know _1_ Benny lived. _2_ the way,he stopped in front of a house, and asked an old woman the _3_ to Benny's house. "His house is not far from my house," said the 为什么我不会触电 last sunday,we went to the _____ to see the seals. I'm making tea.变一般疑问句? Why don't we make some tea? His father gets up early in the morning.对His father提问. 人能被220v家用电压触电多少时间后 还能保持清醒 Tom sat under a tree and seeing his friend,__up in no time.A.to stand B.standing C.stood D.would stand 英语 三个词的区别aim,prupose,intention同可以表示“目的”的意思,有什么区别? 2.Tom sat(过去) under a tree and seeing his friend,---stood(B.过去)--up in no time.a.to stand b2.Tom sat(过去) under a tree and seeing his friend,---stood(B.过去)--up in no time.a.to stand b.standing c.stood d.would stand两个过 三个英文单词的区别emulate 和 simulate和imitate 三者有什么区别? 帮俺区别一下这三个词吧.三个英文单词,innate,intrinsic,和动词endow组成的be endowed with的区别.三者都是"天生..." Tom sat under a tree and seeing his friend,__in no time . A.standing B.stood 答案是b 为什么不是a A会触电还是B会触电? 我们在学安全电路的时候,就是什么时候人会触电,是不是电流在人体内构成回路的时候会触电什么情况下会构成回路,什么情况下不会构成回路 There is ___milk in the fridge,Would you go to the supermarket and get ___?A.little;some B.little;any C.few;some D.few;any look用作动词时是及物动词还是不及物动词急. 在西班牙除了说西语还有其他语言可以说吗? Translate:“Before I started high school,I uerd to spend a lot of time playing games with my frie look out的look是不及物动词吗 Is there any milk __in the fridge I'm thisty .a,leave b,left c,leaving答案是选b,为什么I can't go to see the movies because of the projict .How ___(disappoint) disappointing,不知为什么 I want her to listen______the radio.kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk She asks him to sieep early,but he doesn't _____ (hear/listen to) her.选哪一个? I want to go to listen to him.这句话有语法错误吗?还有It's good to see you.和It is important to try and do something to help problem.这两句话. look是及物动词吗?