
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 13:33:12
55的英语怎么写 首字母英语填空题目!一.根据首字母填空I'm a (m ) school student.I go to school (e ) morning except (S ) and Sundays.My home is a little (f ) from the school so I (c ) a bus toschool.I have to (g ) up early.School is (o ) at 4;30PM.I (u 50题填空,英语 5题英语填空~50分1.- Are they still arguing about the plan?-Yes, they haven't made a d_______on how to work on the plan.2.- It's dangerous for you to swim alone in a deep river.-Well,________first. I won't do again.3.-The trees are very beautifu 英语填空!50分!The visitors are w____ for the palens at the airport.Every Sunday my mother spends two hours to c_____ our house.Thanks for i______ us to your sister's wedding paty.I hope they will ba r_____ during the May Day holiday. 英语填空题 英语填空题,急 英语填空题谢谢 英语填空题求助啊... 求英语填空题, 1.根据对话内容,在横线上填出适当的词,是对话完整.A:Excuse me.Is there a hospital(医院) in the neighbourhood?B:No,there isn't.The nearest one is ________ kilometers______.You'd better catch a bus.A:Which bus should I _______ 229 231 236 232 236 233 236 254 235 234 230 235 236 这组数据的中位数是( ). 235又233分之1乘234分之1怎样巧算 亲,求偷星九月天的234.235.236 ((235+618*234)*2005)/235*618-383怎么用简便算法算啊? 235*235的简便方法 236× 235235—235×236236 简便方法如何计算 举一反三 A版第11周 假设法解题(二);第12周 倒推法解题的内容,如有请发过来, 41*49=?简便算法 立等式 13*25=?(三年级)简便算法立等式 4.9x1.02用简便方法计算 简便算法计算! 1111=0 2222=0 1586=3 7777=0 0000=4 6890=5 3486=? 已知 :1111=0 5231=0 2222=0 0000=4 3021=1已知 :1111=0 5231=0 2222=0 0000=4 3021=1 9821=3 4825=2 4309=2 问:5889=? 9999*2222+6666*1667 9999*2222+6666*6666得数是多少 9999*7777+3333*6666简便运算 9999×7777+3333×6666怎么做?要简便运算 数学5/6×25-1/6×85的简便方法 1,3,5,7组成算式使结果是24 -7,7,-3,3组成一个算式,结果为24 请用2、3、3、7组成一个和是24的算式( )请看清楚题,必须是“和”为24的算式.记得,是和.