
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 07:48:08
__ the books in the bookcase,Jerry.a.Putting b.To poot c.Put I put my books in the b____. "What’s your ______ " the doctor asked.A.trouble B.matter C.sickness D.illness选哪个?为什么? 什么意思:The doctor heard what the patient said What did the doctor say,Jim? ----He asked Bill.A.whether he felt better. B.whether he feels better C.if he feel better .D.if he felt better选出正确答案并说明理由.空在最后。 we can,t see the moon at night sometimes的意思 —How are you doing,Lucy?_____,thanks!里面填什么? you made day Do you like skirts ____ spots on them?A.in B.on C.at D.with 两个“天堂”paradise与heaven有什么区别? i knew he was guilty right from the start of the play.我只知道right是刚好play是戏剧,上课老师有讲,我在走神. 英语翻译water climbed giraffes took fast long coffee books animals above short photos lived beautiful underAnn:Hi,Tim My mum and dad went to the zoo with me yesterday.Tim:Really?What____did you see there?Ann:We saw some lions .They ate meat and d lily asked me ,“where did you buy this handing?”改为含有宾语从句的复合句 该宾语从句:John asked ,'How are you today ,Ben '关键是today要怎么办. Linda paid 100 dollars for the bike同义句转换 let's start from i had not seen ()interesting film .A such an Bsuch aC a such D an such New york can be a very dangerous city,especially at night.Many people don't go out loney接上 into the streets after dark.The problem is worse for woman.As a singer,Mary has to drive alone to clubs lately.then she has to dreve to home after the show 认为自己数学不错的,很好的,VERY GOOD.1.如图,已知正方形ABCD和正三角形ADE,说明△BCE是等腰三角形. very good的comeing.两个直角三角形,拼成一个平形四边形,两条直角边分别是3厘米和4厘米,另一条斜边长5厘米,它的周长最大是多少?最少是多少? 填空:my brother can (make)cakes what eles do yo填空:my brother can (make)cakeswhat eles do you want (do)翻译你们是哪里人 I was eaten cakes by my younger brother. Del piero is not rare you, get out of my world 翻译下,中文意思是什么 I did have a very good time at the ball.这句中"did have" 是个什么用法啊? He asked me if I dare go there alone 是什么句? I have four books in my bag.对four books 进行提问 ( )( )you have in your bag? The little boy dare not go to church这是反义疑问句 请问后面填什么 汗 不是翻译a.dare he b.daren’t he c.does he d.doesn’t he He asked me if I dare go there alone 是什么句?语法书上说是条件句, 用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空(1) I___(have)a letter from John.(2)My mother ___already___(make)a继续lot of nice food for me.(3)We___(stay)in Beijing for a week next year.(4)We___(not have)a lovely time an hour ago.(5)A:___ you ___(se my mother can make dumpings,语法对吗,三单不是加动词s吗 :Don't jump _____the high chair.A.of B.off C.fromjump off和jump from问题 have,jackets,a,price,very,they,at,good(.)造句