
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 18:45:20
Considero un gran exito lo que acabas de hacer.可否将lo删去这样子就变成一个定语从句,修饰exito,意思上也说得通啊.自学西语中,求打救 august's rhapsody是什么意思 August的s发什么音 马桶中的p-trap和S-trap什么意思 加入国际象棋俱乐部的英语 The clock slowed down.It ________ A was slow B was behind C went back D went slowlyThe clock slowed down.It ________A was slow B was behind C went back D went slowly请问 应该选择哪个 以及原因. 高碳刚的好还是铝合金的好 Love the clock slowed down.it ___ 1 was slow 2 was behind 3 went back 4 went slowly请问选择哪一个,及分别说出每个为什么对与错, 语文ying fang怎么写 dian bo 如何写 词语 dian bodian一升,bo三升 谁能帮忙写一下关于水果的哲理小故事,我要编Flash 的 英语好的帮帮呀It had slowed down considerably.considerably可以用much还是a lot换,为什么? qing wen you mei you zhu xian zhei bu dian ying 瑞.睿,宸, shei zhi dao na li you jin gang gui lai2 zhe bu dian ying?wo shi zai guang xi ke jiao pin dao shang kan dao de.wo zai wang shang zhao bu dao zhe dian ying.jiu shi mei you shi yi zhi da xing xing he 2 zhi kong long da jia,na 2 zhi kong long xiang chi wei shei mei wo jia dian nao xian shi de dou shi ying wen?wo kan guo yu yan she zhi,dan shi mei you "Chinese",yao zeng me yang cai xing?neng bu neng gao shu wo zai ying wen li jiao shen me,wo kan bu tai dong zhe ge zai ying wen li shi na ge,wo zai ji 我怎么感觉自行车铁架的比铝架的结实呢?到底哪个结实呢? 怎样分辨山地自行车是铁架和铝合金 Will the westen festivals take the place of traditional chinese festivals?用英语回答可以么?..能多点理由么? 【选择题】Her talent and experience( )her to the respect of her colleagues.A.permittedB.qualifiedC.deservedD.entitled为什么呢?求各项分析~ For a girl of taste.It is not the looks or her talent,but the heart and mind that interests me.中文是什么 She was (talent) with her hands.正确形式填空 I deeply respect her courage.我非常敬佩她的勇气.改成I respect her courage deeply 重庆幼儿英语上哪儿去学呢?真愁人,有哪些介绍介绍? We are sure that China's team will win中的that可以去掉吗We are sure that China's national team will win!中的that可以去掉吗 I do not to respect and fear anyone请 高手帮我翻译这句话的意思 弄张电脑壁纸 要艾弗森的背景的 加上这句话 I do not to respect and fear anyone 做的帅点 I do not respect or fear anyone! 宸垣,词汇解释 翻译:当我打电话给你时,你在家看电视吗?